The Ray Charles Found. v. Robinson

Docket Number: 13-55421
Judge: Morgan Christen
Opinion Date: July 31, 2015

The Foundation, the sole beneficiary of Ray Charles’ estate, filed suit to challenge his heirs’ purported termination of copyright grants that Charles conferred while he was alive. The district court dismissed the suit for lack of jurisdiction. The court concluded that the suit meets the threshold requirements of constitutional standing and ripeness, the argument that the Foundation may be a beneficial owner lends no support to its claim to standing; the Foundation is a real party in interest and has third-party standing; under the zone-of-interests test, the Foundation properly asserts its own claims where termination, if effective, would directly extinguish the Foundation’s right to receive prospective royalties from the current grant; and the Foundation is indeed a party whose injuries may have been proximately caused by violations of the statute. Accordingly, the court reversed the district court’s judgment. View “The Ray Charles Found. v. Robinson” on Justia Law