##!model:a:3:{s:1:"c";s:5:"Theme";s:1:"a";a:17:{s:5:"title";s:8:"Colette.";s:5:"theme";s:14484:" Flickr on Tumblr

l'homme qui peignait les étoiles

l'homme qui peignait les étoiles by Emmanuel Guillon
Via Flickr:
the man who painted the stars


No 100 King St W Toronto Canada 1


Dream of the trees

Dream of the trees by Agnes Mezosi
Via Flickr:

In Rainbows

In Rainbows by Michael Goldrei


babies’-breath by Tomo M

Funivia Orselina-Cardada

Clouds are the coolest.

Funivia Orselina-Cardada by sandropauli


lounge by Sam Brockway
Via Flickr:

Jenny's Legacy

It’s adventure time! TGIF.

Jenny’s Legacy by Craig B
Via Flickr:
Taken at the Chevin, above Otley, West Yorkshire. Ahem… The Chevin is largely covered in attractive old woodland and heathland. It is a part of the Carboniferous Millstone Grit group. 

Spider on web

Spider on web by Franciska Bosnjak
Via Flickr:
Spider on web with drops


Ponny by davidivjak
Via Flickr:
Pentax 6x7 | Kodak Portra www.facebook.com/davidivjak/

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Logo or Image - Upload an image that represents your logo or just leave the beautiful default font.

Social Links - There are eight accessible social networking links in this theme. Enter your ID and you’re good to go!

Google Web Font Support - This theme uses open source fonts from Google.

Google Analytics ID - Google Analytics tracking built into the theme, all you need to do is add your site ID to this option.

Options - The custom options lets you change your desirable font and background color the reason behind this is because the theme should have a consistent look although you can implement your custom CSS.
