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Effects of National Scientific and Educational Expansion


Principal Investigator
  • Professor, Sociology, Emeritus
Principal Investigator
  • Professor, Education

This program centers on a multifaceted research project. Using cross-national and longitudinal data, the aim is to show:

  • Rapidly-expanding national systems of scientific activity generally follow worldwide models, and take on broad issues and purposes rather than narrow foci on economic development.

  • This means that the impacts of expanded scientific activity on national societies tend to be broad, ranging from environmental policy to human rights standards, and go far beyond any economic effects.

  • Indeed, expanded national scientific activity, and the broadly progressive impacts it has, on balance have at least as many negative or constraining effects on short-term economic development as positive ones. Suggestive empirical findings from the program's own work, and from other research analyses, provide some support for these ideas.