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Dual-career Academic Couples
  • Full Report: Dual-Career Academic Couples: What Universities Need to Know (August 2008) The Clayman Institute is...
  • Negotiating a Dual-Career Life: Findings from the Clayman Institute study are highlighted along with interviews with...
  • Dual-career academic couple
    University Dual-Career Programs Stanford Family Matters UC Berkeley Partner Hiring Guidelines UC Faculty Family...
  • The Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford examined the academic ecosystem that graduate and...
  • Londa Schiebinger
    Published on January 19, 2010 in Academe, the study by Clayman Director Londa Schiebinger shows academic scientists...


36% of the American professoriate are part of an academic couple.

38% of academic couples work in the same department.

88% of faculty who successfully negotiated a dual hire at their current institution indicated that the fire hire would have refused the position had her or his partner not found appropriate employment.

47% of faculty with academic partners not that they have lost professional mobility as a result of their partnerships.

Meeting the needs and expectations of dual-career academic couples - while still ensuring the high quality of university faculty - is one of the great challenges facing universities. Academic couples (those with both partners working in an academic environment) represent a deep pool of talent. Yet, dual-career academic hiring often remains difficult and controversial. The Clayman Institute's 2008 study,  Dual-Career Academic Couples: What Universities Need to Know, surveyed 30,000 faculty at 13 of the nation's leading public and private research universities. The report reviews practices, policies and programs for administrators to successfully work with the hiring and retaining of dual-career academic couples. Our pages contain resources for academic institutions and dual-career couples alike.