General Medical Disciplines Department of Medicine

Mission Statement

The Division of General Medical Disciplines aims to foster an environment of excellence in patient care, the training of physicians and physician scientists, and cutting edge research. For over 20 years faculty members of the division have served as the main providers of primary care at the Stanford University Medical Center and the Palo Alto VA Hospital System, and have served as attendings on the in-patient general medicine service at both. As such, the Division's general internists form the foundation of care for patients across medicine subspecialities that propelled Stanford to be recognized nationally by US News and World Report as one of America's Top Hospitals. Moreover, the Division is fully committed to providing comprehensive care to all patients in the community; our faculty and trainees play central roles in local outreach clinics above and beyond the clinical commitments within the hospital system. In addition, Division faculty provide Geriatric and Palliative Care specialty services at both hospitals; each of these services has been nationally recognized for clinical excellence.

Training of Next Generation Physicians

As an integral part of the Stanford School of Medicine, DGMD plays a central role in the training of the next generation of physicians. Two core pre-clinical programs at the School of Medicine-- Practice of Medicine (POM) and Educators for Care (E4C)--are directed by our faculty, along with the required outpatient clerkship in Internal Medicine. At the post-graduate level, Internal Medicine residents derive over half of their inpatient attending experience, and most of their outpatient training from our faculty who serve as well as mentors to many. So whether in the end of the day they choose to remain in General Medical Disciplines or subspecialize, faculty of DGMD provide much of the foundation. Beyond residency, DGMD is also home to two ACGME approved clinical fellowships—in Geriatrics and Palliative Care—each with a well deserved reputation for excellence in their respective fields.

Diverse Research Activities

Research activities in DGMD are diverse and expanding. To the long tradition of research in medical education and faculty development have been added a growing portfolio of NIH- and VA-funded projects related to various social and environmental determinants of health and healthcare, including: studies of chronic disease determinants in working adults; determinants of health status of women veterans; the efficacy of decision support in patient care, and applications of care models for HIV in underserved populations. The health risks of vulnerable populations and their unequal health status are a strong unifying theme. With these efforts, too, have come collaborative projects, both with other Divisions in the Department of Internal Medicine, other Stanford Schools and Departments, and the extensive research units for Health Services research and Development at the Menlo Park VA. To further support development of the burgeoning research initiatives in DGMD and, ultimately to support population and clinical research in the Department as a whole, leadership of a new Quantitative Sciences Unit has been recruited to the Division to provide core biostatistical and data management support going forward.

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