The Emerging CFO: Strategic Financial Leadership Program

How do you become a strategic financial leader? How do you stay current on emerging techniques and trends? And how can you secure a key seat at the table? Today's global CFOs require more than just financial expertise. Which is why The Emerging CFO: Strategic Financial Leadership Program combines finance with strategic thinking, leadership skills, and one-on-one coaching. This comprehensive, two-module program also includes enhanced content and coaching over the course of six months, giving you a unique opportunity to affect true change in yourself and your organization.

Program Dates: February 21 – 26 and
April 24 – April 29, 2016 (this is a two-module program)
Application Deadline: January 22, 2016
Program Tuition: $26,500 USD
Program tuition includes private accommodations, all meals, and course materials.


Strategy, finance, leadership. You get it all in The Emerging CFO: Strategic Financial Leadership Program. Experience two 1-week modules on campus filled with dynamic lectures, guest speakers, a VC panel, and real business challenges. Enhance your learning over the course of six months with webinars, two 360s, and multiple personal coaching sessions. It's intensive, thought-provoking, and empowering.

At Stanford we encourage you to think beyond finance to big picture, organization-wide concerns. You'll learn how to make better strategic financial decisions, build strategic partnerships with key stakeholders, and develop a more effective leadership style to help lead your organization through globalization and growth. You'll learn about emerging trends and challenges in finance such as mergers and acquisitions, globalization, and behavioral finance. And you'll gain a deeper understanding of the importance of aligning finance with strategy and leadership.

Faculty Director
Other Faculty
Ilya A. Strebulaev

Professor of Finance; Director of The Emerging CFO: Strategic Financial Leadership Executive Program; Dhirubhai Ambani Faculty Fellow in Entrepreneurship for 2014-2015 is an expert in corporate finance and credit risk. His current research explores dynamic financial decision making, financial innovation, and financial structure of corporations. His work has been published in major finance journals and his research has received prestigious academic awards, including the Brattle Award, the Trefftzs Award, and the DFA-Fama Prize. He has also been awarded the MBA Distinguished Teaching Award at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, as well as the Inaugural Masters in Management Best Teacher Award at the London Business School.

Thomas M. Siebel Professor of Business Leadership, Strategy, and Organizations; Affiliated Faculty, Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford; Codirector of the Executive Program in Strategy and Organization

Paul E. Holden Professor of Organizational Behavior; Codirector of the Executive Leadership Development: Analysis to Action Program

Adams Distinguished Professor of Management; Director of the Managing Teams for Innovation and Success Executive Program; Director of the Influence and Negotiation Strategies Executive Program; Codirector of the Executive Program for Women Leaders

Video Introduction
"The world of a CFO has changed dramatically. It used to be about technical expertise. Now CFOs need to make strategic financial decisions in a changing dynamic environment." — Ilya Strebulaev

Meet faculty director Ilya Strebulaev and hear how and why this comprehensive program uniquely blends finance expertise, strategic thinking, and leadership skills.
Webinar Preview
The Emerging CFO: Strategic Financial Leadership Program - A Preview
Join Stanford Graduate School of Business Professor Ilya Strebulaev to learn more about this exciting new program. The one-hour session will introduce ECFO and feature a sample program session: Strategies for Sustaining and Financing Growth.
Key Benefits

The Emerging CFO program will help you:

  • Develop strategic skills in the context of financial leadership
  • Transition from information provider to strategic partner
  • Learn new techniques and methodologies in finance, strategy, and leadership
  • Gain a greater understanding of current trends in finance
  • Improve negotiation, conflict management, and communication skills
  • Develop long-term vision and strategy frameworks
  • Assess and enhance your personal leadership style
  • Drive innovation and lead cultural change

Program Highlights


This is the only program of its kind to include one-on-one leadership coaching to help you assess and hone your individual leadership skills. Your personal coach will help you apply the program content to your specific business challenges; analyze your pre and post 360-degree feedback assessments and help you apply it to your on-the-job performance; and communicate with you following the program to track your ongoing progress and re-administer the 360.


As innovative, upstart companies transform industry after industry, many of the leading firms of just a few years ago are now seen as laggards. For business leaders, this upheaval is especially a concern because they often rely on the lessons of the past when making plans for the future. This session explores the underlying reasons for the success and failure of businesses—especially those that relate to a firm’s leadership team—and why some firms are more competitive than others. You will discuss and analyze the reasons behind your own firms’ success, and learn how you can continue to develop as effective, successful leaders.


As you look for more effective ways to inspire their employees to work harder and smarter, most managers rely on financial “carrots” as motivators. This session will explore alternative “psychological levers”—tools that truly motivate people to perform without excess spending. Examples from successful firms that have unlocked their employees’ true potential by providing meaning in their work will also be presented and discussed.


In this session, you'll learn how managers can use the cultures in their organizations as competitive advantage, with an emphasis on thinking about culture as a social control system defined by norms that are linked to critical strategic objectives and can be managed through executive leadership.


Stanford University
The Stanford campus is world renowned for its natural beauty, Spanish mission-style architecture, and temperate climate. With more than 8,180 acres (3,310 hectares), Stanford's campus ranks as one of the largest in the United States. Participants in Stanford's Executive Programs become part of a quintessential university setting, residing together, walking or biking to classes, and enjoying access to Stanford University facilities.
The Knight Management Center
Opened in spring 2011, the Knight Management Center has transformed the Stanford Graduate School of Business into a vibrant and unified indoor-outdoor, living and learning community. Participants will take classes at this new state-of-the-art campus, which features tiered classrooms with extensive floor-to-ceiling glass, the latest in audiovisual technology, numerous breakout and study rooms, outdoor seating areas to encourage informal discussion, and an open collaboration lab that employs hands-on and design thinking techniques.
Schwab Residential Center
Designed by renowned Mexican architect, Ricardo Legorreta, the Schwab Residential Center gives residents ample privacy while promoting collegial interaction through shared lounges, outdoor meeting areas, a library, and an exercise room.

Who Should Attend?

The Emerging CFO Program is ideal for those who aspire to become strategic CFOs. It’s specifically designed for:

  • Senior finance executives with at least 10 years of work experience, at least 7 years of financial management experience, and a high level of managerial responsibility within your organization
  • Examples of functions and titles may include CFOs, treasurers, controllers, VPs of finance and other senior level financial positions—from any size company, any industry, and any country
SAMPLE Participant Mix
All of the topics were highly relevant with specific strategies to implement improvements back at my organization. I gained deeper insight into my own leadership skills, how I am perceived, and actions that I can take to improve my performance.
Amanda Casey
Playworks Education Energize
Excellent program with top faculty members that provide you to think how and why you can and must see the bigger picture in finance and management.
Koen Dierckx
ING Belgium
This is the best management program on leadership I have ever taken.
Pierre-Yves Delhez
Europe Finance Director,
Kent Trading
Excellent program. There are many learnings from the program that I can begin to implement right away that I think will have a positive impact at my organization.
Richard Keen
Senior Vice President and CFO,
The Queen's Health System
It was truly a learning in strategic financial leadership. I am going back as, I believe, a better & more effective manager.
Ajay Walia
Cable and Wireless Ltd Seychelles


James Perkins
Associate Director, Programs and Marketing
Phone: +1.650.724.3350

Leadership Coaching

This is the only program of its kind to include one-on-one leadership coaching to help you assess and hone your individual leadership skills. Your personal coach will:

• Help you apply the program content to your specific business challenges

• Analyze your 360-degree feedback assessment and help you apply it to your on-the-job performance

• Communicate with you for 45 days post-program to track your ongoing progress

The Stanford Difference

The Place: Immerse yourself in innovation.
The Experience: Transform your thinking, your career, your company.
The Approach: Challenge yourself with research-based learning and real-world experience.