Proceeding of the May 6th, 2009 Meeting
GSC Agenda: May 6, 2009, 6:00-8:00pm – FOOD @ 5:45!
Graduate Community Center – Nairobi Room
1) 5:45 FOOD (thanks Drew!)
2) 6:00 Welcome with introductions and Announcements (Nanna and Eric)
i. Please be aware that all meetings are audio recorded and will be made available on the GSC website.
ii. Approve minutes from the last meeting (4/29/09)
iii. The GSC will visit the Undergrad Senate on Tuesday, May 12, 7pm. If you are a voting member, you should attend. Email Nanna ( notthoff@stanford.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ), if you cannot make it. The Senators will be visiting the GSC on Wednesday, May 13.
3) 6:05 Ground rules and team work (Nanna and Eric – 15-20 minutes)
4) 6:25 ASSU Update (David and Jay)
5) 6:30 Senate Report (Ryan)
6) 6:35 Programming (Justin and Adam S.)
7) 6:40 Swearing in Aleksandra (Nanna)
8) 6:45 Musical Instruments Update (Noa)
9) 6:50 Pub Space Discussion (Mary)
10) 7:10 Funding (Ping)
* GSB/Graduate Rugby Club
* Turkish Student organization
* Korean Student Association at Stanford
* French Stanford Student Association
* Stanford Management Operations Research Engineering Students
* Israeli Student Organization
11) 7:30 Additional Funding
*Funding Request for FoFFest (Ping)
12) 7:40 Vaden Advisory Committee Update (??)
13) 8:00 New Business (Nanna and Eric)
Voting members present:
At large 1: Justin Brown
At large 2: Ryan Peacock
At large 3: Aleksandra Korolova
At large 4: Drew Kennedy
At large 5: Noa Lincoln
Earth Sciences: Mary Van der Hoven
Education: Eric Shed
Engineering 1: Robert Hennessy (proxy A. Danowitz present)
Engineering 2: Addy Satija
Law: Eric Osborne (proxy Shane Moise present)
Medicine: Jessica Tsai
Natural Sciences: Bryan Chen
Social Sciences: Nanna Notthof
Voting members not present:
Business: Unfilled
Humanities: Ugur Pece
Other people present: Hanna Muenke, David Gobaud, Adam Beberg, Donna Winston, Ping Li
1) 5:45 FOOD (thanks Drew!)
2) 6:00 Welcome with introductions and Announcements (Nanna)
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i. Please be aware that all meetings are audio recorded and will be made available on the GSC website.
ii. Approve minutes from the last meeting (4/29/09)
iii. The GSC will visit the Undergrad Senate on Tuesday, May 12, 7pm. If you are a voting member, you should attend. Email Nanna (, if you cannot make it. The Senators will be visiting the GSC on Wednesday, May 13.
iv. Thanks to Mary for cleaning up the GSC office again!
3) 6:05 Ground rules and team work (Nanna)
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Review of Ground Rules: Attendance is generally required, please send proxy if cannot make it, voting basics by majority and consensus
Discussion of Voting Members – what is role and how to stay informed
When chairs meet with admin, keep Google calendar to keep members invited and informed
When chairs meet with admin, send out minutes from meeting if something major happens that cannot wait until next meeting
Keep GSC office clean; “owned” by everyone
Updates by committees; joint meeting of senate and president
4) 6:10 ASSU Update (David and Jay)
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Matchmaker a success
Vaden Committee is making progress, full update later in meeting
GCC and Munger – input needed, bring interested parties to May 27th meeting
5) 6:15 Senate Report (Ryan)
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Did not attend, it would be good to have others attend the Senate, and vice versa
Dynamics of Senate – split again 50/50
6) 6:17 Programming (Jessica)
No update
7) 6:18 Musical Instruments Update (Noa)
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Equipment still needs a place to store, need suggested options – Rains, Music Studio EV closet, Munger, campus radio suggested
Equipment worth ~$2000
Need a timeline. Possibly two months. Possibly wait till end of summer to see what spaces might open up over the summer.
Need a strategy – sell, store, rent
8) 6:30 Swearing in Aleksandra (Nanna)
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Aleksandra is sworn in, and will be able to vote next week.
9) 6:32 Pub Space Discussion (Mary)
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Mary – Met with Mr. Gratz, committed to have a pub in space. Should make a committee to deal with issues. Big Committee vs. Small committee. Survey? Gratz wants survey compiled with Munger survey, council agrees this is a bad idea as two places serve different crowds. Gratz wants the Havanna room incorporated. No vendors chosen yet. RFP issue was avoided by Gratz.
Involvement in Pub Committee-Donna, Addy, Ryan, Drew
Alcohol permit leaves with current vendors. Administrative mess, need to reorganize or any vendor will fail, not unsolvable
Under VPSA or non-profit, low cost services to graduates, SSE
We should talk to Arrillaga about the oversight, micromanagement. Don’t think that he would care that much.
Justin – Open spaces are used by housing/auxillary to bring in for-profit vendors – students lose. Pub currently pays $3000 for space, makes $1000 in revenue before paying staff. Need a cheaper cost for anyone to be successful. If rent can be waived or very reasonable then SSE management is a possibility.
Donna – Arrillaga would be upset about adding anything. Less he knows the better, under the radar. This should not be set for profit. If students were running it could be a great experience/resume builder.
Drew – What about letting it be a blank space?
Plenty of examples of for-profit student run bars in other campuses. Food might be beyond out scope, bring in another vendor. Don’t want to get involved in cooking, maybe just warming.
Addy – Maybe should leave vacant so they see there is no rent. Mary – Cannot, have no say in leaving it empty. Students have final say in their purchases, they are going to shoot themselves in the foot without student input.
David – In meeting with Eric he is very open to have more student involvement in all housing and dining.
Mary – Have separate committee to discuss next step. OK
10) 6:58 Funding (Ping)
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* Stanford India Association
May 26th talk, associate director of White House, AASA and others coming together to cosponsor event. Partial funding of $1000. Passes by consensus.
* Chinese Student Scholars
3 events, Writing Program with CTL; Open Board Meeting, 1000 on campus members. $800 for food. Passes by consensus.
* French Stanford Student Association
Organized BBQ for group. $550 for food and program expenses. Passes by consensus.
* GSB/Graduate Rugby Club
60 active players, BBQ event after UCLA match; $1093. Technical issues about posting on the website. Passes by consensus.
11) 7:08 Additional Funding
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*Funding Request for FoFFest (Ping) – $4000 in budget to fund international gala, and the collaborative event by Turkish Group can take the place.
Turkish Student organization – Called Five on Fire, Five International Associations, 1000 attendees, 3rd annual, asking for $3000 for food, $1000 for equipment – grills and lights and speakers. (Addy) One of the only true international events, funded last year through Bechtel and GSC. Passes by consensus.
12) 7:14 Vaden Advisory Committee Update (Jess)
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Met with Ira last week to determine mission statement of Committee. Ira stressed to have individuals that are well informed, briefs by staff. Ira will chair the committee, not a non-com committee, will approve through GSC and reassess after a year.
How to pick the people on committee? Want to solicit applications, recruit, GSC approved and Ira involved in the process.
Addy – Suggest to have someone with a family, and someone who lives off campus with non-Cardinal Care.
Yes, no NomCom, we should specifically seek out three people and get them on committee. Don’t know how it will work with undergrads. Will they be on GSC or outside – Need one on GSC. From Ira’s perspective too many cooks, small committee that really know Vaden inside and out. Can possibly expand in the future.
Justin – When start? Are they going to be here over the summer. If Ira wants to train then shouldn’t have seniors – long haul people. Ira feels summer or early fall to start.
Mary – 10 people on committee, any bigger will be unwieldy.
Hanna – Overlap of health care committee. There is overlap but should keep it separate for now.
Addy – Is there agreement on the services provided by Vaden? (Jess) Idea is to not completely change Vaden, but to work closer with students needs. (Addy) Is it possible to standardize the procedures? (Jess) Yes
13) 7:24 New Business (Nanna)
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i. Hanna – Vaden survey around healthcare. Out on the 18th. Cash prizes, but are there suggestions of corporate donors. Kirks Steakburgers, Jamba Juice, Kirsten’s Cupcakes, Bytes, Coupa Café. Email other suggestions. Help on getting in touch by Monday? Nanna.
ii. Justin – Grad night at Nuthouse
iii. Update on NomCom – doing interviews for trustee committees, then going to move on to other committees.
iv. Donna – Programming coordinator, will be co for two quarters.
v. Nanna – Housing going to pay for carpets for Lyman Grad Challenge Project.