6pm Wednesday April 06th 2011
Meeting Area in GCC 2nd Floor Lounge
1. 5:45 pm – FOOD (thanks Ray!)
2. 6:00 pm – Welcome with Introductions
3. 6:05 pm – Announcements (Justin/Jess)
i. Minutes from 3/30/2011
ii. Volunteer for the Easter Egg Roll
iii. Sit on a Subcommittee for SAL Review
iv. Proxies for this week
-Adeel Arif for Krystal St. Julien
4. 6:10 pm – Graduate Family Carnival GLO (Brittney/Kim)
5. 6:15 pm – Funding (Krystal)
i. GradQ
6. 6:20 pm – Programming Update (Addy/Cathy)
7. 6:25 pm – GSPB Funding Approval (George/Krystal)
8. 6:30 pm – ASSU/SSE Update (Angelina/Raj)
9. 6:35 pm – Graduate Elections Funding Request (Jonathan Bakke)
10. 6:40pm- Fire on Fire (Nicholas and Paolo)
11. 6:50 pm – New Business
1. 5:45 pm – FOOD (thanks Ray!)
2. 6:00 pm – Welcome with Introductions
3. 6:05 pm – Announcements (Justin/Jess)
i. Minutes from 3/30/2011
ii. Volunteer for the Easter Egg Roll
iii. Sit on a Subcommittee for SAL Review – SAL is undergoing review. They are looking for someone to sit on a subcommittee. There will be a townhall and some additional meetings.
iv. Proxies for this week
4. 6:10 pm – Graduate Family Carnival GLO (Brittney/Kim) – The carnival has been going since the 1980s. We plan to do it on May 21st. It’s a lot of fun for kids – ponies, petting zoos, magicians, and crafts. We’re asking for $3500 from the GSC. My kids love it, and we really appreciate it.
Raj – What has the attendance been in the past?
Brittney – ~300 or more children and parents.
Jess – Where does the funding for this come from?
Justin – EV Family event co-sponsorship byline. We have plenty of money for it.
Raj – How much have we spent historically?
Justin – Same amount.
Funding for $3500 from the GSC EV family co-sponsorship passes by consensus.
5. 6:15 pm – Funding (Anne-Laure)
i. GradQ – Alec- GradQ is a group for queer professional grad students and their allies. We’re requesting $250 for a happy hour – we normally have them once a quarter.
Anne-Laure- They requested $250, and we recommended the full amount.
Funding for GradQ for $250 passes by consensus.
ii. Stanford Ballroom – We’re requesting money for our annual dancing competition. It’s a good opportunity for the Stanford Ballroom team, which is 45% grad. We generally have 1200 in attendance, of which we think ~50% are grad students. We’re requesting honoraria for judges and showcase couples.
Anne-Laure- They requested $2,680 total. They had matching funds, so we recommended the full amount.
Fanuel – How many judges are there?
Rep – 9.
Funding passes by consensus.
6. 6:20 pm – Programming Update (Addy/Cathy) – We have a caterer and a security agency. We’re still working on the math, we’ll e-mail the list.
Jess – Why didn’t you want to use Ray?
Addy – They didn’t want to bid for the event.
Fanuel – When is the date for this?
Addy – The 13th of May.
7. 6:18 pm – GSPB Funding Approval (George/Krystal) – We are trying to help Munger do a grad-wide party.
Praveen – The Munger CAs want to start throwing parties – we’re looking to do an 80s party in Munger courtyard. We’re requesting $500 from the sponsored byline for the DJ.
$500 from GSC/GSPB line-item passes by consensus.
8. 6:21 pm – ASSU/SSE Update (Angelina/Raj) – We are in the process of creating a temp agency. We have a payroll admin. We are going to market and handle payroll – we want to see if departments are interested. The store is doing 3x as many sales as before, not including admit weekend and graduation. We’re thinking about doing grad sales, but we’ve had trouble getting large turnouts in the past.
9. 6:23 pm – Graduate Elections Funding Request (Jonathan Bakke) – We’re having grad night that GSPB is sponsoring. Just because elections has a reduced grad budget – we’re asking for $300 for elections get out stuff.
Raj – What are you going to use the money for?
Krystal – Pizza and beer. It’s the same event we had last year.
Funding grad night for $300 from programming passes by consensus.
10. 6:25 pm- Fire on Fire (Nicholas and Paolo) – We’re responsible for the budget for Fire on Fire – a BBQ organized by international associations at Stanford. Every association is responsible for it’s own BBQ and cooks traditional food and drinks. It’s been a huge success in the past. The total budget in the past has been around $10,000. We’re expecting ~1000 people. We’re requesting from the GSC $7,600, and the rest will come from the Bechtel I-Center. We currently have a $300 music budget. If possible, we’d like to increase that if there’s budgeting for it to increase it to $500 – so $8,100 total.
Jess – How much is Bechtel giving you guys?
Paolo – $3000 for sure, but they will probably cover things if we go over. They’re also giving us the stage for free.
Jess – We can do $4000 from international event line item, which is all of it, and $2500 from programming discretionary, and $500 from constituency outreach money. That’s $7000.
Krystal – We can also contribute $500 from funding committee discretionary.
Erik – We could contribute our constituency outreach money since most of us haven’t used it – that would allow them to get funding from a source and not tap programming.
Raj – I don’t know – it seems to me as an FO that the budgeted amount wasn’t sufficient – it would be better to change the budget.
$4000 from I-Event line item, $2500 from programming discretionary, $500 from constituency outreach, and $500 from Funding Committee Food item.
Joanna- I think this could be done by VSOs.
Krystal – They wanted to, but because there was a byline so we asked them to come here.
Addy – So programming discretionary will need $3000 for grad formal.
Jess – Do you really think you’ll need $3000 over your budget?
Addy – Yes.
Jess – Let’s vote on the $4000 and the outreach money. Then we’ll do the programming later.
Addy – Last year this number came out of the fact that the groups had hit their caps, and this was the remnant.
Funding for fire on fire $4000 from I-event passes by consensus. $500 from constituency outreach passes by consensus. $500 from funding food passes by consensus.
11. 6:50 pm – New Business –
Anne-Laure – Krystal and Erik have been rewriting bylaws. You guys have gotten the e-mail, and she would like you to vote on the new bylaws so we can have the new ones.
Erik – When are we rewriting the budget and how do we get input on it?
Justin – Over the next three weeks, anyone who is interested will go through the budget. We can’t go do anything until we have special fees info. By the end of the month.
Joanna – I don’t know how this would best be addressed, but I’m having a lot of dance groups come to me asking how to reserve student space.
Raj – There’s some space in student union.
Jess – There’s Roble, which has two large studios.
Raj – If you need to have a conversation about expanding resources, SAL is a good place to start.
Bakke – Elections go live tonight at midnight. Please vote and encourage constituents to vote. ballot.stanford.edu. The announcement party is Saturday 5 pm. Tomorrow is happy hour outside Y2E2.
Justin – Your last meeting of this GSC is april 27th.
Justin – Try to have transition docs turned in within a week.
Adjourned 6:57 pm.