GSC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday September 28th, 2011, 6pm
Havana Room
Important Dates:
Sept. 30: Welcome Back Party
Oct. 5: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Oct. 6: GSC Special Dinner 6pm
Oct. 12: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Oct. 19: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Oct. 25: GSC Dinner at Greg Boardman’s house
Oct. 26: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Nov. 2: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Nov. 9: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Nov.16: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Nov. 30: GSC Meeting 5:45pm
Voting Members Present
Earth Sciences: Marine Denolle
Education: Unfilled
Engineering: Anne-Laure Cuvilliez
Engineering: Adeel Arif
H&S Humanities: Unfilled
H&S Nat. Sci.: Unifilled
H&S Social Sci.: Kamil Dada
Medicine: Unfilled
At-Large2. Manish Choudhary
At-Large4. Sjoerd de Ridder
At-Large5. Ateeq Suria
Others in Attendance: Justin R. Brown, Brianna Pang, Fanuel Muindi, Alex Kindel, Armand Rundquist, Nicholas Sergeant, Pallow Agraul, Xi Cheng, Cathy Jan, Stewart McGregor-Dennis
Not in attendance:
Business: Jesse Lane
At-Large: Addy Satija, Lida Teneva
Law: Daniel Rojas
5:45 Dinner (Thanks Ray!)
6:10 Introductions (Addy/Marine)
6:11 Announcements
- Proxies…none
If you have proxies please forward pertinent info prior to the meeting
6:12 Funding (Anne-Laure)
About: Cultural group representing the Belgian culture.
Event 1: Oct 7. Food for welcome event. 30 active members expected in addition to others. 40-50 expected like last year. Reccommendation of $345 passes by concensus. There will be Belgian beer.
- Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics at Stanford
About: Non-religious group that still interfaces with religious groups.
Event 1: Oct 5 Greta Christina is an atheist blogger. Request of $35 for honoraria passes by concensus.
Event 2: Oct 18 Movie screening (no funds applied for)
Event 3: Oct 27 Iranian Underground Rock Group. $125 for honoraria, $50 for Events and Labor Services. Total of $175 passes by concensus
-Hindu Student Assoc.
About: Religious group that is 50-50% UG/GRAD.
Event 1: Sept. 30 Speaker about Science and Spirituality. Request $1300 for food and programming. $1300 passes by concensus.
6:29 GSC internal: (Marine)
- Housing advocacy committee?
The group meets once a month. There is a GSC rep in addition to NomCom appointed students. Anne-Laure has volunteered to do it.
- DIR: transparancy goal for programming account + operational account
-> bills to vote on (Brianna?)
The ASSU wants the budgets to be more transparent. This in the name of outcome-based governance. This part of the ASSU is intended to not be part of exec, or either legislative body. They are looking for metrics and a strategic plan and data analysis on what the ASSU does on a quarterly basis.
The bill is about allowing a group part of the ASSU being able to look at ASSU accounts without being the financial officer/president etc.
Q1: Why do we need another branch of government that is in excess of 20 people?
A1. Why not let a group do it if they’re doing this for free.
Q2. What is the SSE CEO’s opinion? Isn’t this part of her job?
A2. Yes. She should attend next meeting to chime in on this.
Q3. Can this be temporary/pilot program?
A3. Sure.
6:51 Retreats (Marine)
-GSC dinner / winter retreat
Fall retreat is replaced with a dinner October 6 in EV cottage room. Winter retreat is in Tahoe. Marine is cooking for everyone.
6:52 GSPB Update (Manish)
- $375 Lottery brunch. passes by concensus. Good to go with money
6:53 Diversity committee (Fanuel)
- $350 only needed for fall event, Anika Green and VPGE (Vice Provost for Graduate Education) are funding the rest
6:56 Welcome Back party (Cathy/Manish)
-More volunteers needed. Contact Cathy.
7:01 New Business
- Kamil works at SAL (Student Activities and Leadership).
- To waive the student activities fee, visit The deadline is October 7.
- October 25 is dinner with Greg Boardman at the Lake House
7:06 Adjourned