Voting to approve minutes for 6/3: approved (8-0-1)
Persian Student Association:
The event is for the month of Ramadan, an event for the breaking of the fast. It will be held on Saturday, 6/27, and the event is already on the GSC calendar. Attendance will be 180-190 students (numbers based on previous years). Regarding funding, this event technically falls under the 2014-15 fiscal year (based on the date of the event), and the PSA has already reached their hard cap of $6000. Thus, Kali’s recommendation is $0 for the event. However, the equivalent event last year was also from the 2014-15 fiscal year due to the fact that Ramadan shifts depending on the year. PSA is requesting to take the funds from the 2015-16 year, but then the group might run into this problem next year. The question is, should we allow VSOs to request funds from future fiscal years? The consensus is that Ramadan is a very unique situation, and it shouldn’t be a problem to process the funds after the start of the new fiscal year. Request to fund this event is approved (9-0-1)
GradQ wants to host a post-Pride decompression event. The request is 485 for food, $192 total. Kali’s recommendation is for $192. Funding request approved (8-0-2)
Speaker’s Bureau Funding Bill:
The Speaker’s Bureau folks forwarded the bill to us earlier this week, and we need to vote on this now before the end of the fiscal year. Their request is one-time and for $60,000. Sam brought up that we should have them add language to include the undergraduate portion in the same bill so that there aren’t two separate bills. The council vote will be conducted with this change in mind. Funding bill approved (7-0-3).
General Announcements:
NGSO and GoPass:
Gabe received an email from Sarah Divel who is planning the schedule for the New Grad Student Orientation (NGSO), and they want to know if we want to keep the same events as last year or change events. Last year we had the pizza lunch and the informational dinner at the GCC. About 200 people came for the pizza lunch and 150 for the dinner. Sarah needs the schedule finalized by mid-July. After some discussion, the council agreed to stick with the same events. Gabe and Qian will organize food. Last year we handed out GoPass information and some GSC SWAG. (We may need to plan to order more to promote the GSC.)
Regarding GoPass, there is going to be a meeting next month (Monday, 7/13) with folks from VPGE and SURPAS to talk about GoPass marketing and how to improve sales. Gabe met with the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Greg Boardman, who also had some marketing ideas. Greg stressed that the folks at VPSA are here to help us with whatever we need.
GSC Summer Event:
Terence and Gabby have been planning behind the scenes. Should we do a BBQ event again? The last BBQ event was two years ago and several hundred people came. We could potentially collaborate with the movie screening that Isa proposed at the last meeting. As for the date, late July might be best so that we can space out events a bit more. Trevor suggested that the planners ask Sebastian about the grill. Gabe and Ed agreed to help out with planning for this event since Gabby is away.
School of Ed and Law Reps:
Gabe has been emailing about this like crazy. The GSE forwarded the email to their students, and a graduate student expressed some interest, but she did not make it to this meeting. The School of Law hasn’t responded at all. Trevor suggested that we should send an email to the law students ourselves. Trevor still has access to those email lists, so we might do that.
Shengkai has updated the officers page on the GSC website. If you still haven’t sent in a picture/about me info, please do so directly to him.
Sam is looking into getting some GSC vests since we have extra funds to do so before the end of the fiscal year.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 8th.
Meeting adjourned.