Funding Guidelines
The GSC provides vital financial support to voluntary student organizations (VSOs) that offer events open to all graduate students. For more details on how VSOs can access GSC’s Graduate Student Organization (GSO) Partition Funds, please visit the funding guidelines page.
Equipment Rental
The GSC has a wide variety of equipment that registered VSOs can rent in order to run their events without having to spend money on potentially expensive items like speakers and wireless microphones. In order to check our equipment inventory and rent these items, please visit the equipment request page.
GSC Branding
Groups that are sponsored in whole or in part by the GSC must display the GSC logo in all advertising and promotional materials. Various versions of the GSC logo and other branding can be found on the GSC branding page.
Green Store
The GSC, in partnership with the ASSU, is proud to support the student led Green Store which offers environmentally friendly products to Stanford registered student groups (VSOs) at break even prices with delivery on campus. To order visit the Green store site.