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Human Rights and International Justice-Related Courses

Course Flyer for HUMRTS 101

HUMRTS 101, the required gateway class for the Minor in Human Rights is being offered this year during winter quarter!

The Handa Center is pleased to highlight Winter 2018 courses approved for the Minor in Human Rights, as well as other human rights and international justice courses of interest (and available to petition).

Winter 2018 Courses Approved for the Minor in Human Rights

AFRICAAM111: AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa
CHINA70N: Animal Planet and the Romance of Species
COMPLIT105: Race and Human Rights
COMPLIT70N: Animal Planet and the Romance of the Species
CS22A: The Social & Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence
ETHICSOC136R: Introduction to Global Justice
ETHICSOC145:  The Ethics of Migration
FEMGEN129: Critical Issues in International Women’s Health
HISTORY224C: Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention
HUMBIO126A: Advanced Seminar in Health and Security
HUMBIO129S: Global Public Health
HUMBIO173: Science, Innovation and the Law
INTNLREL62Q: Mass Atrocities and Reconciliation
LAW5005: European Union Law
LAW5028: Regional Human Rights Protections: the Inter-American System
LAW912: Advanced International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic
MED242: Physicians and Human Rights
OSPCPTWN38: Genocide: African Experiences in Comparative Perspective
PEDS223: Human Rights and Global War
THINK19: Rules of War
URBANST100A: Housing as a Human Right: Exploring Housing Justice from the Global to the Particular


Courses Available to Petition for the Minor

AFRICAST135: Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems
CEE177X: Current Topics in Sustainable Energy
CEE265A: Sustainable Water Resources Development
CS51: CS + Social Good Studio: Building Social Impact Projects for Change
CS181: Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy
CSRE125E: Shades of Green: Redesigning and Rethinking the Environmental Justice Movements
CSRE131C: Trauma, Healing, and Empowerment
CSRE245: Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development
ECON155: Environmental Economics and Policy
EDUC177B: Well-Being in Immigrant Children and Youth: A Service Learning Course
ENGR110: Perspectives in Assistive Technology
FEMGEN63N: The Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality
FEMGEN258: Sexual Violence in America
GERMAN136: Refugees, Politics, and Culture in Contemporary Germany
HISTORY8S: Conterinsurgency and Torture: Algeria, Vietnam, and Iraq
HISTORY10N: Thinking about War
HISTORY48Q: South Africa: Contested Transitions
HUMBIO86Q: Love as a Force for Social Justice
IPS210: The Politics of International Humanitarian Action
MED1B: Identity, Power, and Privilege in Multicultural Health
MED161B: Community Health Advocacy