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Improving the global health workforce crisis: an evaluation of Global Health Corps
Journal Article

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Lancet Global Health, Vol. 3

November 2015

Efforts to address the global healthcare workforce crisis focus heavily on traditional service providers such as physicians and nurses. Yet, improving health systems also necessitates involvement from a wide range of management and support workers. Global Health Corps (GHC) pairs a team of at least two skilled management and support fellows (one local and one non-local fellow) from sub-Saharan Africa and the United States to work in partnership with non-profit and government agencies focused on the implementation of health services in a setting of poor health outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa or the United States. This manuscripts presents a five-year evaluation of the program.  By filling the human resources gaps of global health organizations with management and support workers, GHC and similar approaches may help generate a new pipeline of local and global leaders in global health.

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