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Grants and Financial Assistance Available from Morrison Institute

Financial Assistance

Purpose: A major objective of the Morrison Institute is to encourage interdisciplinary approaches to research, teaching, study, and public education in areas related to the global issues of growth in world population, changes in the environment, use of resources, and attainment of sustainable economic development.

Financial Aid Support is made available to selected faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and advanced graduate students attending Stanford whose proposed academic activities reflect the above purpose. The more interdisciplinary a proposed project, the more likelihood there will be of receiving financial assistance. Preference is given to those who have demonstrated a high degree of academic competence, who can show need for the financial assistance requested, and who have sought aid from other sources. Information will be sought from supervisors and colleagues about the capability of the applicant and the significance of the proposed work.

Terms: The Institute has no deadlines for filing applications, no set number of fellowships, no printed application forms, no limit on the number of recipients, and no fixed dollar amounts of grants. All proposals are judged on academic merit and appropriateness to the Institute’s goals and the applicant’s academic and career objectives. The amount of the award is governed by the amount of funds available.

Financial assistance is considered for tuition; research travel, equipment, labor, and supplies; stipends, matching and supplemental grants; dissertation writing; and postdoctoral study.

At the conclusion of each grant, the Institute requires a written report about the work accomplished with the financial assistance provided. In addition, each recipient is expected to share with faculty and students an oral presentation of the work accomplished and to hear reports of other projects in seminars established for this purpose.

Application: Applications may be submitted to the Assistant Director of the Institute at any time. Completed proposals will be presented by the Director to the Executive Board for review and decision at the next meeting of the Board. Generally, the Board meets on call of the Director, approximately quarterly.

The typical application will include a brief description and time schedule of the specific project for which financial assistance is sought, its scientific significance, and how it fits the applicant’s academic and career objectives (no more than six pages); a project budget showing the financial assistance needed and a listing of other sources of support; two letters of recommendation from faculty familiar with the applicant and the proposed work; and a copy of the applicant’s academic transcript or professional record.


  1. By: morrison on March 16, 2012 at 9:55 am      

    Grants are available for Stanford students, faculty, and academic staff.

  2. By: morrison on March 16, 2012 at 9:56 am      

    We don’t “export” Stanford grants. Are you affiliated with Stanford?

  3. By: morrison on March 16, 2012 at 9:57 am      

    Did I get back to you on this?

  4. By: morrison on March 16, 2012 at 9:58 am      

    Are you in any way affiliated with Stanford?

  5. By: morrison on May 28, 2012 at 3:59 pm      

    We are a unit in Stanford University, yes.

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