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Cleanups in My Community

EPA Response to BP Spill in the Gulf of Mexico:

Click here for BP Deep Horizons Oil Spill Data
Cleanups in My Community is a mapping and listing tool that shows sites where pollution is being or has been cleaned up throughout the United States. It maps, lists and provides cleanup progress profiles for:
  • Sites, facilities and properties that have been contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under EPA's Superfund, RCRA and/or Brownfields cleanup programs.
  • Federal facilities that have been contaminated by hazardous materials and are being, or have been, cleaned up under EPA's Superfund and/or RCRA cleanup programs.
Note: Currently, we can only show sites, facilities and properties for which EPA collects information by law, or voluntarily via grants. At present, this does not include state or locally funded cleanups. We are working with our state and local partners to expand the scope of cleanups to be accessed through Cleanups in My Community in the future. In addition, data in this system is updated according to the data update schedule and may not yet reflect real changes at the locations covered here.

To create a map or list of cleanup sites, follow these steps:

Need Additional Cleanup Information?
  • Brownfields
  • Federal Facilities
  • Regional Emergency Management Links
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo)
  • Spills of oil, gas, pipeline liquids and hazardous substances
        exit EPA
  • Superfund (including non-NPL and archived sites)
  • Underground storage tanks - state web pages

  • MyEnvironment | Enviromapper | Envirofacts
    Solid Waste and Emergency Response

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