The Latest in Identity Theft
Telemarketing and Scamming: Seniors Are the Focus
It should be no real surprise that the elderly are the favorite targets of scammers. This isn't because seniors are more or less intelligent than the rest of us
Social Engineering Scams: What are They?
As an alternative to the traditional action of hacking, social engineering is the act of manipulating someone into doing certain actions.
Safety, Security and GPS Geolocation
If you have smartphone, such an iPhone or Android device, you probably know that they have geolocation features.
Protecting Yourself Against Spear Phishing Scams
Spear phishing is a type of cyber attack that focuses on a subset of people, such as employees of a business or users of a website to undermine the group.
Is Mobile Banking Safer Than Computer E-Commerce?
Mobile banking has been on the rise for the past few years for many reasons. This practice is convenient, but it is also more secure than banking online.
Charity and Disaster Scams: Don't Let Criminals Pull Your Heart String
As with retailers, cyber criminals often follow a seasonal calendar, and the holidays are just as important for them as they are for retailers
Tax Scams Can Happen All Year Long
There are about 230-ish million tax forms filed each year, and all of these forms contain a lot of information. This makes it a perfect opportunity for scammers
8 ways to protect from Scareware Scams
Have you heard of scareware? If you haven't heard the term, you may have seen the scam. Here's how it goes: you are innocently browsing the Internet.
Online Dating Scams
Two decades ago, online dating didn't exist, and ten years ago, those who participated in online dating were considered "weird."
 - David Sucsy / Getty Images
Grandparent Scams Hit the Elderly Hard
Telephone scams have been around for years, and even now in a world where Caller ID is prevalent, it is still common to scam people via telephone.
Beware of These Cybersquatting Scams
Cybersquatting will always be an issue, and it makes sense to those who have a brand, or even a name, to claim these domains now.
Beware of These 11 Facebook Scams
The following activities are prevalent on Facebook and other social network sites, so keep your eyes open for them:
Beware of Mortgage Fraud Scams
Mortgage fraud is prevalent, and this type of fraud helps scammers earn very high profits through illegal means, while taking on a very low risk
Who is Stealing Identities and How?
As more and more people are becoming victims of identity theft, they wonder...who is stealing my identity and how are they doing it?
What is Caller ID Spoofing?
Most people don't look at their phones and think they pose a danger, but these days, your phone can cause a security issue.