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MR Imaging Development

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Visualization of
Global Brain Dynamics

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Welcome to the Lee Lab

Lee Lab @ Stanford

The Lee Lab uses interdisciplinary approaches from biology and engineering to analyze, debug, and manipulate systems-level brain circuits. We seek to understand the connectivity and function of these large-scale networks in order to drive the development of new therapies for neurological diseases. This research finds its basic building blocks in areas ranging from medical imaging and signal processing to genetics and molecular biology.

Dr. Lee is a recipient of the 2010 NIH/NIBIB R00 Award, the 2010 NIH Director's New Innovator Award, the 2010 Okawa Foundation Research Grant Award, the 2011 NSF CAREER Award, the 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship Award, and the IEEE EMBS BRAIN young investigator award.

Our lab is interested in understanding how the brain works at the systems level. Current projects in the Lee Lab include:

Advanced MR Imaging Development

Our lab works on the development of novel magnetic resonance imaging techniques for robust and high-throughput data acquisition. Our current projects include:

  • GPU based high-throughput optogenetic fMRI (ofMRI)
  • GPU based motion correction
  • Compressed sensing fMRI

Visualization of Global Brain Dynamics in Health and Disease

We are interested in using new tools at the interface of neuroscience and engineering to directly visualize the function of brain circuits and quantify their dynamics. Current topics of interest include:

  • Stem cell integration
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Epilepsy and seizure networks