5/27/2015 – From Success to Significance: A Legacy of Purpose for Longer Lives

Apr 27, 2015 Comments Off by

Longer life means more time for family, friends and leisure, but the opportunities to make a difference in the world are bigger than that. For those fortunate to have the talent, perspective and the commitment to seize the day and act, longer life means the possibility to reinvent and re-imagine life, find new purpose and engage and contribute in fresh ways. What will you do to take advantage of your experience and talents? What will you do to improve lives and create a better future? What examples will you set for your children? Will your older years be as important, or more important, than your younger years? Will you find satisfaction and new meaning as you age? Panelists discuss their own paths and the possibilities for every Global Conference attendee.

Laura Carstensen – Professor of Psychology and Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor in Public Policy, Stanford University; Director, Stanford Center on Longevity

Michael Eisner, Founder and CEO, The Tornante Co.; Former Chairman and CEO, the Walt Disney Co.
Marc Freedman, Founder and CEO, Encore.org
Paul Irving, Chairman, Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging; Distinguished Scholar in Residence, University of Southern California Davis School of Gerontology
Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP

Carstensen, Center, Longevity News 2015

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