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Special Seminar: "Basic Materials Research and New Technology in Orphopaedic Reconstructions" by Ken Gall, Professor and Chair, Mech. Eng. and Mats. Sci., Duke University

Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
450 Durand
Basic Materials Research and New Technology in Orphopaedic Reconstructions
Ken Gall
Professor and Chair
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Duke Univeristy
Does new basic materials knowledge drive technology innovation or do emerging technology needs 
motivate the creation of new knowledge and new materials? In this talk we will discuss two 
different experiences stemming my own research in shape memory materials. In the field of bone 
fracture fixation and fusion, basic science research aimed at understanding a vexing materials 
phenomenon “unintentionally” created knowledge that enabled a shape memory alloy product 
breakthrough. On the other hand, in the field of soft tissue ACL reconstruction, a known product 
need unleashed a flurry of basic materials research aimed at creating and understanding a new class 
of medical grade shape memory polymers. I will tell both stories from a historical perspective, 
highlighting the critical basic materials science discoveries and commercialization challenges 
Ken Gall is currently the Chair of the Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department at 
Duke University. Professor Gall’s technical expertise is in the mechanical properties of materials, 
and his contributions to the scientific community range from the discovery of a new phase 
transformation in gold nanowires to the creation and understanding of several new functional 
biomaterials. He has over 180 peer-­‐reviewed publications with a publication H-­‐ index of 53. He 
is a passionate entrepreneur who has several dozen patents and has founded two medical device 
start-­‐up companies, MedShape and Vertera. He is actively involved in both companies who are 
commercializing university technologies in the orthopedic medical device space.