Buckwalter Lab News

Immune profile two days after stroke predicts dementia a year later

Stanford researchers have found that transient changes in the numbers and activation levels of a handful of circulating immune cell types can predict the likelihood of dementia one year after a stroke.

New Institute Series Highlights Experiences of Faculty Researchers

A new Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute series, #BrainsBehindTheInstitute, highlights the stories and experiences that inspire faculty researchers, including Department of Neurology's Dr. Marion Buckwalter.

Recovering from stroke

Researchers like Marion S. Buckwalter, MD, PhD and her colleague Maarten Lansberg, MD, PhD are working on how to prevent dementia in stroke survivors, nearly half of whom develop the condition in the first decade after a stroke. Others are working on new ways to deliver drugs right where they're needed in the brain, developing ways to stimulate the brain's recovery with magnetic fields, and building robotic devices tailored to help individual stroke patients walk more easily. With those and other developments on the horizon, the future for stroke survivors could be bright.

B Cells May Contribute to Post-Stroke Dementia Risk

Why is the risk for developing dementia doubled for as much as a decade after stroke? A new study suggests the answer may be B cells. 

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