Cardiovascular & Thoracic Anesthesia

Cardiovascular & Thoracic Anesthesia

Adult Cardiac Anesthesia

The Cardiovascular Anesthesia Service trains senior residents and Fellows in the intricacies of cardiac preoperative evaluation, invasive monitoring, hemodynamic optimization, transesophageal echocardiography, cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology, management of cardiopulmonary bypass, total circulatory arrest, and postoperative care of the patient having cardiac and vascular surgery. We have a patient population that tends to be more high risk and complicated, compared to the local community hospitals. We do both heart and heart-lung transplants.

We are also a major referral center for complex aortic surgery, including acute dissections and aneurysms. Our interventional radiologists are now studying the use of stents in acute aortic dissections, including both Type A and B tears.

Our CV Fellowship prepares the trainee to teach and do research in an academic setting. We do this by gradually transferring responsibility to the Fellow for the management of cases. Fellows also are expected to pass their TEE Boards. The Fellowship is flexible enough to meet the needs and goals of the Fellow.

We welcome applicants to our anesthesia residency and cardiovascular fellowship programs.


Our faculty participate in local and national organizations that educate the public in cardiovascular health. Prevention of cardiovascular disease is critically important for every individual. Simple steps such as cessation of smoking, weight control, control of high blood pressure, and control of cholesterol and lipids can lead to a marked reduction in cardiovascular disease. We recommend the following web sites for further information and education.


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