Early Life Stress and Pediatric Anxiety Program


Kohrt BA, Hruschka DJ, Kohrt HE, Carrion VG, Waldman ID, Worthman CM. (2015): Child abuse, disruptive behavior disorders, depression, and salivary cortisol levels among institutionalized and community-residing boys in Mongolia. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 7, 7-19. PDF

Khan, CT, Joshi, SV, Carrión, VG. (2014): Empowering girls to take charge of their health through mindfulness and movement: A pilot study. New Research Poster presentation at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 61st Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, October 20-25, 2014. PDF

Rettger, JP, Chandler, JM, Fu, MA, Carrion, VG. (2014): Developing a Youth Mindfulness Program in a School-Based Setting: A Two-Year Status Report. New Research Poster presentation at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 61st Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, October 20-25, 2014. PDF

Solomon, E, Carrion, VG, Rettger, JP, Garrett, A. (2014): Predictors of comorbid depressive disorders in youth with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. New Research Poster presentation at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 61st Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, October 20-25, 2014. PDF

Carrion VG, Kletter H., Rettger J, Weems C. (2014): Preliminary findings of the Stanford Cue-Centered Treatment Protocol: A RCT. Journal of Traumatic Stress. In Press.

Carrion VG, Kletter, H, Weems, CF, Rialon Berry, R, & Rettger JP. (2013): Cue-centered treatment protocol for children exposed to interpersonal violence: a school-based randomized controlled trial. Journal of Traumatic Stress 26: 654-662.

Carrion VG, Weems CF. (2013): Introduction To a Special Issue On Research With Youth Exposed To Disasters and Violence. Child & Youth Care Forum 42: 257-259. PDF

Kletter H, Rialon R, Laor N, Brom D, Horenczyk RP, Shaheen M, Hamiel D, Chemtob C, Weems CF, Feinstein C, Lieberman A, Reicherter D, Song S, Carrion VG. (2013): Helping Children Exposed to War and Violence: Perspectives from an International Work Group on Interventions for Youth and Families. Child & Youth Care Forum 42: 371-388. PDF

Weems CF, Scott BG, Russell JD, Reiss AL, Carrión VG. (2013): Developmental Variation in Amygdala Volumes among Children with Posttraumatic Stress. Developmental Neuropsychology 38: 481-495. PDF

Scott BG, Burke NJ, Weems CF, Hellman JL, Carrion VG. (2013): The Interrelation of Adverse Childhood Experiences Within an At-Risk Pediatric Sample. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma 6: 217-229.

Wong S, Kletter H, Wong Y, Carrion VG. (2013): A prospective study on the association between caregiver psychological symptomatology and symptom clusters of pediatric posttraumatic stress disorderJournal of Traumatic Stress 26: 385-391. PDF

Aguirre J and Carrion VG. (2013): Integrated Behavioral Health Services: A Collaborative Care Model for Pediatric Patients in a Low-Income Setting. Clinical Pediatrics 52(12): 1178-80.  PDF

Carrion VG, Wong S, Kletter H. (2013): Update on Neuroimaging and Cognitive Functioning in Maltreatment-Related Pediatric PTSD: Treatment Implications. Journal of Family Violence 28: 53-61. PDF

Scott BG, Burke NJ, Weems CF, Hellman J, Carrion VG. (2013): Adverse Childhood Experiences among At-Risk Youth: The Interrelation of ACEs within a Pediatric Sample. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma 6: 217-229.

Carrion VG and Kletter H. (2013): Treatment of Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Psychiatric Times 29: 1-8.

Kovachy B, O'Hara R, Hawkins N, Gershon A, Primeau MM, Madej J, Carrion V. (2013): Sleep Disturbance in Pediatric PTSD: Current Findings and Future Directions. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 9: 501-10. PDF

Carrion VG, Aylward A, Reicherter D, Cooper H, Fleming J, Song S, Frid D.  (2012): Building an Effective Medico-Legal Intervention Model in Post-Earthquake Haiti. Revista de AEPNYA 29(3).

Hibbard R, Barlow J, McMillan H. (2012): Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect and AACAP Child Maltreatment and Violence Committee. Psychological Maltreatment. Pediatrics 372-378.

Carrion VG, Kletter H. (2012): Posttraumatic stress disorder: shifting toward a developmental framework. Child Psychiatric Clinics 21: 573-591. PDF

Carrion VG and Wong S. (2012): Can Traumatic Stress Alter the Brain? Understanding the Implications of Early Trauma on Brain Development and Learning. Journal of Adolescent Health 51: S23-S28. PDF

Garrett A, Carrion VG, Kletter H, Karchemskiy A, Weems CF, Glover G, Reiss AL. (2012):  Brain activation to facial expressions in youth with PTSD symptoms. Depression and Anxiety 29: 449-459. PDF

Wilkinson J, Glick I, Carrion VG. (2012): Development of a Child Psychopharmacology Trial ScaleCurrent Psychopharmacology 1: 9-13.

Burke NJ, Hellman JL, Weems CF, Carrion VG. (2011): The impact of adverse childhood experiences on an urban pediatric population. Child Abuse and Neglect 35: 408-413. PDF

Carrion VG, Weems CF, Richert K, Hoffman BC, Reiss AL. (2011): Reply to: Cortisol and Brain; Beyond the HippocampusBiological Psychiatry 69: E11. PDF

Carrion VG, Bradley T, Weems CF. (2010): Natural disasters and the neurodevelopmental response to trauma in childhood: a brief overview and call to action. Future Neurology 5: 667-674.

Carrion VG, Weems CF, Garrett A, Reiss AL. (2010):  Decreased prefrontal cortical volume associated with increased bedtime cortisol in traumatized youthBiological Psychiatry 68: 491-493. PDF

Carrion VG, Haas BW, Garrett A, Song S, Reiss AL. (2010): Reduced hippocampal activity in youth with posttraumatic stress symptoms: an fMRI StudyJournal of Pediatric Psychology 35: 559-569. PDF

Carrion VG, Hull K. (2009): Treatment manual for trauma-exposed youth: case studiesClinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 15: 27-38. PDF

Carrion V.G., Weems C.F., Kwon H., Eliez S., Schmitt J.E., Menon V., Reiss A.L. (2009): Converging evidence for abnormalities of the prefrontal cortex and evaluation of midsagittal structures in pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder: an MRI study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 172: 226-234. PDF

Kletter H, Weems CF, Carrion VG. (2009): Guilt and posttraumatic stress symptoms in child victims of interpersonal violenceClinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 14: 71-83. PDF

Weems CF, Carrion VG. (2009): Brief report: diurnal salivary cortisol in youth--clarifying the nature of posttraumatic stress dysregulationJournal of Pediatric Psychology 34: 389-395. PDF

Taylor, L. K., Weems, C. F., Costa, N. M., & Carrión, V. G. (2009): Loss and the experience of emotional distress in childhood. Journal of Loss and Trauma 14: 1-16. PDF

Waelde, LC, Silvern, L, Fairbank, J, Carlson, E, & Kletter, H. (2008). Dissociation in PTSD. In P. F. Dell & J. O’Neil (Eds.) Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders: DSM-V and Beyond (pp. 447-453), New York: Rutledge.

Carrion VG, Garrett AS, Menon V, Weems CF, Reiss AL. (2008): Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Brain Function During a Response-Inhibition Task: An fMRI Study in YouthDepression and Anxiety 25: 514-526. PDF

Weems, C. F., Watts, S. E., Marsee, M. A., Taylor, L. K., Costa, N. M., Cannon, M. F., Carrion, V. G., & Piña, A. A. (2008): The psychosocial impact of Hurricane Katrina: Contextual differences in psychological symptoms, social support, and discrimination. Behaviour Research and Therapy 45: 2295-2306. PDF

Weems CF, Carrion VG. (2007): The association between PTSD symptoms and salivary cortisol in youth: The role of the time since the trauma. Journal of Traumatic Stress 20: 903-907. PDF

Steiner H, Saxena KS, Carrion VG, Khanzode LA, Silverman M, Chang K. (2007): Divalproex sodium for the treatment of PTSD and Conduct disordered youth: a pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 38: 183-193. PDF

Plattner B, Karnik N, Jo B, Hall RE, Schallauer A, Carrion VG, Feucht M, Steiner H. (2007):  State and trait emotions in delinquents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 38: 155-169. PDF

Carrion VG, Weems CF, Reiss AL. (2007): Stress predicts brain changes in children: A Pilot Longitudinal Study on Youth stress, PTSD and the hippocampus. Pediatrics 119: 509-516. PDF

Saltzman KM, Weems CF, Carrion VG. (2006): IQ and posttraumatic stress disorder in children that experience interpersonal violenceChild Psychiatry and Human Development 36, 261-272. PDF

Saltzman K., Weems C.F., Reiss A.L., Carrion V.G. (2006): Mixed laterality in pediatric PTSD. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 194: 342-344. PDF

Richert K, Carrion VG, Reiss AL. (2006):  Regional Differences of the Prefrontal Cortex in Pediatric PTSD: An MRI StudyDepression and Anxiety 23, 17-25. PDF

Cortes AM, Saltzman KM, Weems CF, Regnault HP, Reiss AL, Carrion VG. (2005): Development of Anxiety Disorders in a Traumatized Pediatric Population: A Longitudinal EvaluationChild Abuse and Neglect 29, 905-914. PDF

Kohrt, H, Kohrt B, Carrion VG. (2004): An Ecological-Transactional Model of Significant Risk Factors for Child Psychopathology in Outer MongoliaChild Psychiatry and Human Development 35(2) pgs 163-181. PDF

Plattner B., Silvermann M.A., Redlick A.D.,Carrion V.G., Feucht M., Friedrich M.H., Steiner H. (2003): Pathways to dissociation: Intrafamilial versus extrafamilial trauma in juvenile delinquents. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 191: 781-788. PDF

Koopman, C., Carrion, V., Butler, L., Sudhaker, S., Palmer, L., & Steiner, H. (2004): Relationships of dissociation and childhood abuse and neglect with heart rate in delinquent adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress 17 (1): 47-54. PDF

Weems C.F. & Carrion V.G. (2003): The Treatment of Separation Anxiety Disorder Employing Attachment Theory and Cognitive Behavior Therapy TechniquesClinical Case Studies 2 (3): 188-198. PDF

Steiner H, Carrion V.G., Koopman C. (2003): Dissociative Symptoms in PTSD: Diagnosis and Treatment. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 12 (3): 231-249.

Weems C.F, Saltzman K., Reiss, A.L., Carrion V.G. (2003): A prospective test of the association between hyperarousal and emotional numbing in youth with a history of traumatic stress.  Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 32 (1): 166-171. PDF

Carrion V.G., Weems C.F., Ray R.D., Reiss A.L. (2002): Toward an empirical definition of pediatric PTSD: the phenomenology of PTSD symptoms in youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 41: 166-173.  

Carrion V.G., Weems C.F., Ray R.D., Glaser, B.,Hessl D., Reiss A.L. (2002): Diurnal salivary cortisol in pediatric PTSD. Biological Psychiatry 51 (7):575-582. PDF

Carrion V.G., Weems C.F., Eliez S., Patwardan A.J., Brown W., Ray R.D., Reiss A.L. (2001): Attenuation of frontal asymmetry in pediatric posttraumatic stress disorderBiological Psychiatry 50: 943-951. PDF

Carrion V.G., Steiner H. (2000): Trauma and dissociation in delinquent adolescentsJournal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 39: (3) 353-359.

Carrion V.G. and Lock J. (1997): The Coming Out Process: Developmental Stages for Sexual Minority YouthClinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2: (3) 369-377. PDF

Carrion V.G. (1995): Naltrexone for the treatment of trichotillomania: a case reportJournal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 15(6): 444-445. PDF

Paris B.E., Carrion V.G., Meditch J.S., Capello C.F., Mulvihill M.N. (1993): Roadblocks to do-not-resuscitate orders.  A study of policy implementationArchives of Internal Medicine 153(14): 1689-1695. PDF

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