Community Partners

The partnership-based experiential learning between the fellow and community partner is an integral component of the Stanford H4A program. The relationship between the fellow and community partner should promote an enriched learning experience for both parties and allow the fellow to translate knowledge from the classroom to deliverable work that meets the health needs of the community partner organization. Our community partners include local schools, community centers, Stanford Clinics, Vaden Health Center and others.

Community Partner Requirements

  • Internships are unpaid (unless the fellow is an employee of the Community Partner) and must comply with the Fair Labor and Standards Act test for unpaid internships.
  • The fellow defines the work schedule with the community partner. H4A requires a 16 hour per week average commitment. Fellows and their community partners may agree to additional hours, but this is not required by H4A.
  • The community partner is expected to:
  • Engage in an interviewing and matching process during Quarter One to identify a suitable fellow in accordance with H4A expectations (unless a fellow has been approved by the H4A Director to bring forth their own community partner);
  • Engage with the fellow to provide a meaningful hands-on learning experience during Quarters Two and Three for 16 hours per week (averaged over the quarter). This time includes a minimum of 8 hours per week (averaged over the quarter) onsite engagement, and up to an additional 8 hours per week (average) of prep, post, planning and research, etc. time. Fellows are not expected to work for community partners during finals week or during the breaks between quarters. Click here for H4A's academic calendar;
  • Hold weekly meetings with the fellow providing constructive feedback and mentorship;
  • Engage in an annual review by Stanford H4A and fellow to assess fellow's experience.