The Rabinovitch/Bland Lab


Cardiopulmonary Research-in-Progress Seminar Series


Lunch discussion with Dr. Shaun R. Coughlin, UCSF, Evans Lectureship 2003

The Cardiopulmonary Research-in-Progress Seminar Series was established in fall of 2002. The series aims to highlight current cardiopulmonary research and provide a venue for interaction and discussion for an audience of both clinical and basic researchers.

The talks are held on Thursdays at 4 p.m. We feature Stanford speakers, speakers from area institutions, and visiting scholars from research institutions nationwide and abroad. Visiting speakers spend the day at Stanford, meeting with colleagues with common research interests, and we host a lunch discussion with graduate students, fellows, and research associates from the group.


Lab Meetings, and Journal Club

The Rabinovitch/Bland lab has weekly research meetings (usually Mondays at 9:00 am), where laboratory members present and discuss their latest research findings. This is a great forum for brainstorming and troubleshooting. In addition, the group holds bi-weekly Journal Club meetings, in which students, post-docs and faculty participate in reviewing current research papers from the scientific literature.

2009-10 Cardiopulmonary Research-in-Progress Seminars
(Updated 4/16/2010)

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Unless noted otherwise, seminars are held on Thursdays at 4 pm in CCSR room 4105.


Mark Nicolls, MD
Associate Professor, Medicine-Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Stanford University
"Immune Reconstitution of Immunodeficient Rats Attenuates Lung Inflammation, Right Ventricular Remodeling and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension."


Ching-Pin Chang, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine – Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University
"Epigenetic Regulation of Heart Development and Disease"


Tero-Pekka Alastalo, MD, PhD
Post doctoral fellow, Pediatric Cardiology, Stanford University (Mentor: Marlene Rabinovitch. MD)
"Impaired BMP Signaling and Novel Cross-Talk Between PPARg and ß-Catenin Contribute to Endothelial Cell Dysfunction in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension"


David Cornfield, MD
Professor of Pediatrics, and Director, The Center of Excellence in Pulmonary Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine
"Developmental Regulation of Oxygen Sensing in The Lung"


William Robinson, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine - Immunology and Rheumatology, Stanford University
"Tyrosine Kinase Pathways in Autoimmune Disease"


Euan Ashley, MRCP, DPhil
Assistant Professor of Medicine – Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University
"Re-Integrating Biology: Systems, Pathways and Translation to Practice in Cardiovascular Medicine"


Howard Y Chang, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine
"Programming Chromatin States by Long Noncoding RNAs"


Dean Sheppard, MD
Professor and Associate Chair for Biomedical Research (Department of Medicine - Pulmonary and Critical Care Division); Director, Lung Biology Center, University of California, San Francisco
"In vivo Functions of Integrins"


Jeffrey J. Wine, PhD
Benjamin Scott Crocker Professor of Human Biology, Professor of Psychology, Neurosciences and (by courtesy) Pediatrics, and Director, Cystic Fibrosis Research Laboratory, Stanford University
"Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease"


Cristina Alvira, MD
Acting Assistant Professor in Pediatrics - Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Stanford University
"The Role of NFkappaB Signaling in Postnatal Lung Development"


Charles A. Taylor, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioengineering and of Surgery, Stanford University
"Image-Based Modeling of Blood Flow in the Pulmonary Arteries"


Mark A. Kay, MD, PhD
Dennis Farrey Family Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Genetics; Vice Chair for Basic Research (Pediatrics), Stanford University
"Gene and RNAi Based Therapies: Bench to Bedside to Bench"


Vinicio de Jesus Perez, MD
Instructor in Medicine - Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Stanford University
"The Role of Wnt/PCP Signaling in Pulmonary Angiogenesis: A New Paradigm for Understanding PAH"


Brian Kobilka, MD
Professor of Medicine and Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University
"Structure and Dynamics of the Human Beta 2 Adrenergic Receptor"


Benoit G. Bruneau, PhD
Associate Investigator, Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, University of California, San Francisco
"Chromatin Remodeling and Transcriptional Regulation of Heart Development"

Falk Library
4:00 PM

The 10th Annual Evans Lecture for Pulmonary Medicine
Andrew J Peacock, MPhil, MD
Honorary Professor in Medicne, University of Glasgow, Scotland
“Pulmonary Vascular Cell Proliferation: The Role of p38 MAP Kinase”


Suzanne Pfeffer, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry, Stanford University
"Rab GTPase Control of Receptor Trafficking"

For more information, or to be added to our mailing list, please contact:
Michelle Fox, mfox1 at, or Michal Bental Roof, PhD, mroof at

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