McNab Lab
Jennifer A. McNAB, Ph.D.
McNab Lab

The McNab Lab is a part of the Radiological Sciences Laboratory section of the Department of Radiology within the School of Medicine at Stanford University. We are based at both the Richard M. Lucas Center for Imaging and the Stanford School of Medicine Technology and Innovation Park on Porter Drive.


Our mission is to develop magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques that probe the structural and functional architecture of the human brain. This requires new MRI contrast mechanisms, strategic encoding and reconstruction schemes, physiological monitoring, brain tissue modeling and validation. Applications of these methods include neurodevelopment, plasticity, aging, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and many other neurological conditions.


Our current research is focused on the development of MRI pulse sequences and analysis strategies for :


  • Ultra high field (7T) MRI.
  • Stronger and faster magnetic gradient technology.
  • Mapping cerebral cortical diffusion patterns.
  • Mapping axon diameter and density.
  • Diffusion imaging of whole, fixed human brain.
  • High resolution resting-state FMRI at 7T.

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