Gibbs appointed associate dean for medical school admissions

Iris Gibbs, MD, has stepped in as associate dean for medical school admissions, replacing Gabriel Garcia, MD, who served for 15 years in the post.

Iris Gibbs

Iris Gibbs, MD, associate professor of radiation oncology, has been appointed associate dean for medical school admissions. She replaces Gabriel Garcia, MD, professor of gastroenterology and hepatology, who held the position for 15 years.

Her first day on the job was Sept. 2.

“I’m particularly excited about the opportunity to contribute to such an important aspect of shaping the future of Stanford Medicine,” Gibbs said. “We have the privilege of selecting among the very best and brightest candidates and benefit from the diversity that is the very fabric of excellence.”

Gibbs earned a medical degree and completed a residency in radiation oncology at Stanford. She has served as a senior leader in both adult and pediatric neuro-oncology and as co-director of the Cyberknife radiosurgery program. She also has been director of education for her department, with oversight of the clerkship and fellowship programs, and program director of the radiation oncology residency program.

Her research focuses on developing new radiation techniques to manage brain and spinal tumors in adults and children.

“Iris has been involved in admissions and recruitment since she was a student at Stanford, and has served on the committee on admissions for the last few years,” said Garcia, who also is the William and Dorothy Kaye University Fellow in Undergraduate Education. “She is just the right choice for this position. Her values and commitment to excellence will serve the mission of the school exceptionally well.”

From 1999 to 2014, Garcia served as a member of the committee on admissions for the consortium of private medical schools that Stanford belongs to. He chaired the committee from 2000-03. He also served as a member from 2001-05 and chair from 2012-14 of the committee on admissions for the American Academy of Medical Colleges’ Group on Student Affairs. In addition, Garcia was a member of the Group on Student Affairs’ LGBT Task Force from 2010-12.

“We are deeply grateful for all of Dr. Garcia’s contributions to medical student admissions at Stanford and nationally,” said Lloyd Minor, MD, dean of the School of Medicine. “We look forward to Dr. Gibbs continuing the tradition of excellence in leading our medical student admissions process that has consistently yielded a class of the highest caliber of enthusiastic, multitalented and successful students.”

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