Brainstorm is the world's first academic laboratory dedicated to transforming brain health through entrepreneurship.

Based at Stanford and launched by a founding team of physicians from across the country, we apply the biopsychosocial model of disease to tackle problems on the systems level. We unite the worlds of medicine, business, and technology to foster innovative ventures that optimize health and human potential.

Here's how:


We educate students, clinicians, entrepreneurs, executives, and the public about ventures and trends in the field. How? Through our new university course at Stanford, innovation workshops, and our research, articles, and books. Keep an eye out for them. There’s good stuff on the way.


We identify visionary innovators and connect you with the resources and people you need to turn your ideas into successful ventures. Our Innovation Labs incubate the most promising ideas for using technology to transform brain health. Join our Brainstorm-ing Sessions to network and find the missing link to your team.


Our team is united around a desire to build the ventures that will transform brain health. We partner with you to develop, launch, and scale your venture, ensuring that your idea is both clinically effective and financially sustainable. Think of us as consultants with deep domain expertise who put your venture on the fast track to making an impact.