Fellowship Tracks

Our fellowship's tracks are structured to provide trainees experiences that align with their career goals. Fellows choose between one of the two tracks below after the first year of the fellowship.

Research Pathway Clinical Pathway
Basic Researcher
(Track to K08)
Clinical Educator
(Elective Training)
Clinical Researcher
(Track to K23)
Subspecialty Clinician
(Lung transplant, Pulmonary Hypertension, Interstitial Lung Disease)

Research Tracks

These tracks are recommended for those Fellows interested in Academic Medicine and are strongly tied to mentored-training with a view to K-series NIH development awards.

Basic Research
This track is intended for those Fellows interested in bench and translational research; this course requires a close affiliation with an established science mentor. The target grant mechanism is the K08 award.

Clinical Research
This track is appropriate for Fellows interested in clinical research as a principal career activity; it similarly entails a close relationship with an established mentor. The target grant mechanism is the K23 award.

Clinical Tracks

These tracks are recommended for Fellows inclined towards patient care and/or administration as primary activities. The training is characterized by the development of strong clinical mentoring relationships.

Clinician Educator
This track is ideal for Fellows seeking to be, first and foremost, outstanding clinicians; training is oriented towards optimizing clinical skills, usually with a special emphasis on a group of diseases as well as on teaching skills.

Subspecialty Clinical
This track is designed to provide deep training in one of several key areas including lung transplantation, pulmonary hypertension, cystic fibrosis and interstitial lung disease; Fellows leaving the training program are well-qualified to care for these complex patients and are well suited for leadership roles in these fields.