Research Tracks

Basic and/or Translational Research

The basic research track will offer formal training in basic and translational science research. The division will assist fellows in the selection of a mentor appropriate to their academic interests. When fellows choose to leave the division for their research, co-mentorship with a divisional faculty member is arranged. For example, a mentor doing genomics research in a field relevant to pulmonary disease outside the division is supported by a divisionally-based mentor to provide greater academic continuity for the trainee.

There will be 14-18 months of protected time during the three-year fellowship in the basic research track, with an optional 4th year of funding for those who continue toward an NIH K award path.

We also offer unique opportunities for advanced postdoctoral research training in the Genetics of Pulmonary Vascular Disease, funded by an NIH K12 grant. This program consists of 1 year of didactics in genetics and molecular biology at Stanford University Medical School and 2 years of funded research in a laboratory involved in investigation of topics ranging from pulmonary vascular development to an analysis of genetics and pathogenesis of pulmonary vascular disease. We also offer an opportunity for trainees to obtain a PhD degree in biomedical sciences through our Advanced Residency Training at Stanford (ARTS) Program.

Clinical and/or Health Services Research

The clinical research track enables the trainee obtain a Master’s of Science degree in Clinical Epidemiology, Health Services Research, or another relevant field. This program requires approximately one year of classes and a Master’s thesis, and is funded via competing for a KL2 award through Stanford’s Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA). Trainees selecting this track will have 14-18 months of protected time in the first 3 years of fellowship, with funding for a 4th year available for clinical research and completion of the Master’s thesis.  As with the basic/translational track, those entering this track will usually apply for a NIH K grant (usually K23) in their 4th year.

For additional information on the wide variety of basic and clinical research opportunities, please see our research section.