Radiation & Cancer Biology in the department of Radiation Oncology

Our long-term goal is to identify and characterize the molecular and physiological changes induced by the tumor microenvironment. These changes influence the malignant progression of transformed cells. By understanding the molecular changes important for tumor cells to survive in both nutrient and oxygen depleted conditions, potentially new targets for cancer therapy can be identified.

See "Scientific Focus" »


  • To perform original laboratory and translational research advancing the understanding of the etiology of cancer and enhancing our ability to prevent and treat cancer;


  • To educate students at the graduate and post graduate level and medical residents in the proper conduct of basic research.

News From the Lab

Dr Quynh LeThe American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) has selected Dr. Quynh Le, Katharine Dexter McCormick and Stanley McCormick Memorial professor and chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology, an ASTRO fellow
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Amato GiacciaThe American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) will award Amato J. Giaccia, PhD, with the Society’s highest honor—the ASTRO Gold Medal.
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Other Research News

Targeting the Phd3/HIF-2 pathway represents a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of diabetes with little toxicity,
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