Research Management Group (RMG)

Mary Kay Foundation
Cancer Research Grant Program

Limited funding opportunity for Stanford faculty with NTLR-Research, MCL and/or UTL appointments involved in translational research in ovarian, uterine, breast or cervical cancer. Internal selection process required**

# applicants:  1 per institution (please see internal submission requirements below)

Download the sponsor's program guidelines >> pdf

Previous recipients:
The guidelines are not posted on the sponsor’s website, but you can view previous recipients>>  


Internal Cancer Institute deadline: Monday, Dec. 15, 2014, 3 p.m.. (see internal submission guidelines below).
By Jan. 12, 2015- final applicant selected by the Cancer Institute internal review committee will be notified to proceed with the full application
Jan. 26, 2015 - final applicant must submit his/her full application to his/her Research ProcessManager (RPM)
Feb. 2, 2015 - final application due at the Mary Kay Foundation
May 2014 - announcement of grant awards

Amount of funding: 
Up to $100,000 total over two years (combined direct and indirect costs).
The program will offer at least 10-15 grants.

Stanford faculty: assistant, associate, and full professors with NTLR-Research, Medical Center Line (MCL) or university-tenure line (UTL) faculty appointments are permitted.
Research focus: innovative grants for translational research in ovarian, uterine, breast or cervical cancer.

Since 1997, the Mary Kay Foundation has supported top medical scientists nationwide who are searching for a cure for the cancers that affect women, including breast, cervical, uterine and ovarian.  This program is looking for innovative grants for translational research in ovarian, uterine, breast or cervical cancer.

Internal Submission Guidelines

By Monday, Dec. 15, 2014, 3 p.m., please send via email attachment one PDF file containing the following in the order listed below (title page, scanned copy of the original, signed nomination letter, research proposal, budget, biosketch, other support) to:

Denise Baughman
Project Manager
Stanford Cancer Institute

Note: Institutional representative: you do not have to generate a PDRF form or the involve your institutional representative (RPM or OSR) with your internal proposal. You can submit your proposals directly to Denise per these instructions.

1) Title Page
Title of this RFA: Mary Kay Foundation Cancer Research Grant Program
Title of your proposal:
PI contact information: (name, title, department, address, email, phone, fax)
(note: the title page should be in the above format only. Please do not create an introductory letter as part of the title page).

2) Nomination letter printed on your department letterhead and addressed to the Stanford Cancer Institute Internal Review Committee, signed by your division chief or your department chair.

3) 4 page research proposal
Format:   Times New Roman 12 inch font, single-spaced, 1 inch margins) (references and illustrations are not included in the page limit) (include specific aims, preliminary results and research design)

4) Budget (one page)
Total budget for the entire project should not exceed $100,000 (combined indirect and direct). Equipment and travel costs should be justified. Indirect costs, if requested, should not exceed 15% of requested direct costs.
Grant period: July 1, 2015-June 30, 2017
Format of your simple budget:

CATEGORY                                            AMOUNT
Other (specify)
Indirect costs (not to exceed 15%)
*Equipment and travel costs must be justified.

5) NIH format biosketch

6) Other support (current and pending) (list sponsor, term, and amount of funding).

Denise Baughman
Project Manager
Administration Office
Stanford Cancer Institute
Lorry Lokey Building, G2103I
265 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5456
t 650-724-9547


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