Transgenic Research Center In the Cancer Center

ES Cell Manipulation

ES cell manipulation services for gene targeting experiments

We accept linearized targeting vector DNA, purified and resuspended in 50 ul of PBS or TE buffer in the amount of 50 ug. We ask that users submit a restriction map of the targeting vector and a picture of the gel showing the purified DNA with a DNA mass standard for quantitation. We will perform electroporation, selection and colony picking. We will provide all of the clones resulted from the electroporation if less than 100 clones are obrtained, or a minimum of 100 ES clones to users to screen for homologous recombinants. If more clones are necessary, we will perform a second round of electroporation for free and provide the users with additional clones for screening. After the ES cells are handed to users for screening, we expect to get genotyping results from the users within 6 months; otherwise the cells will be discarded.

The facility currently has CGR8.8 (129ola) and R1 (129sv/svj) cell lines for gene targeting experiments.

NEW!! ES screening service

One of the bottlenecks for ES cell targeting is ES cell clone screening. We offer services to screening for correctly-targeted ES clones for a fee of $2000-$3500 depending on the complexity of the genotyping.

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