MIPS Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford

Cancer Molecular Imaging Chemistry Laboratory (CMICL)


Principal Investigator

Lab Members

Previous Lab Members

  • Qizhen Cao, PhD
  • Edwin Chang, PhD
  • Han Jiang, MD, PhD
  • Gang (Tiger) Ren, PhD
  • Patrick (James) Wedgeworth
  • Ping Zhao, MD, PhD
  • Lihong (Lily) Bu
  • Luxi Chen
  • Kai Chen, PhD
  • Jinhao Gao, PhD
  • Xiaoxiao He, PhD
  • Susan Hoppmann, PhD
  • Jing Huang
  • Eue-Soon Jang, PhD
  • Lei Jiang
  • Shuanglong (Scott) Liu, PhD
  • Zhe Liu
  • Ermelinda Lucente, MD
  • Zheng Miao, PhD
  • Shibo Qi
  • James T Wang
  • Jiandong Wang
  • Yihong Wang, PhD
  • Shining Wu
  • Song Wu, PhD
  • Angela Zhang
  • Xiao-Fen (Pheny) Zhang

The overall objective of this laboratory is to develop novel molecular imaging probes and techniques for non-invasive detection of cancer and its metastasis at the earliest stage, so that cancer can be cured or transformed into a chronic, manageable disease. The techniques developed in my research will allow a close examination of the molecular, metabolic and physiological characteristics of cancers and their responses to therapy. In order to achieve this goal, my lab is aimed to identify novel cancer biomarkers with significant clinical relevance, develop new chemistry for probes preparation, and validate new strategies for probes high-throughput screening.

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