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  • October/November 2015
    Vital Signs Looks at Environment • Funding Solutions • Richmond Bridge Access Improvements • Clipper® Card for Teens • Map of Region's Future • Americans With Disabilities Act Anniversary • Experience Electric Test Drives • New Exhibits • On the Calendar
  • July/August 2015
    Presidio Parkway • Climate Money Fuels Affordable Housing • Team Bike Challenge • Bay Bridge Steel as Art • Vital Signs Takes Pulse of the Economy • Experience Electric Creates Buzz • Openings for Citizen Advisors • Transportation Interns • Free Bike Repairs • Notable Quote • Calendar
  • May/June 2015
    Plan Bay Area 2040: Get Involved • Bike to Work Day Highlights • Bay Area Pavement Report Card • Standing Up 4 Transportation • Vital Signs Takes Regional Pulse • Bike Share Expands
  • March 2015
    New MTC Leadership • High School Internships • Bike Commuters of the Year • Bay Lights Fade • Reports to Congress & Legislature • Express Lane Update • Express Lane Survey
  • January/February 2015
    Conference: Say YES to the Environment • Recruitment: Take a Seat at the Policy Table • Vital Signs Takes the Pulse of the Bay Area • Top Ten Congestion Hot Spots Identified • Bay Lights Forever • City Carshare on the Road to Expansion • 511 Traffic Now Available in Napa County • Buses BridgeLate-Night Transit Gap • Now Showing in Marin: The Bridge Builders • Call for Artists


  • November/December 2014
    Take Transit to the Airport This Thanksgiving • Street Fight • Comment on the Public Participation Plan • Transportation Superstars Shine • Clipper Takes On Napa and Solano Counties • Calling All Artists • "Grand Central West" Takes Shape • Follow the BikeMobiles This Fall • Bay Area Regional Prosperity Plan
  • September/October 2014
    Remembering John F. Foran, the "Father of MTC" • Colorful Map Brings Bay Area to Life • BikeMobiles Fix Bikes On the Go • Play Transit Trivia With New Report • Happy First Birthday, East Span! • Bringing the Bay to the Classroom • Test Drive the Latest in Electric Vehicles • Speak Out on MTC's Public Participation Plan • On the Move: A Creative Look at Transportation • Follow MTC on Instagram
  • July/August 2014
    Happy Birthday, Bike Share! • Tunneling Complete for Central Subway • Electric Vehicle Campaign Charges Forward • High School Interns Try Out Transportation • MTC Staff Win Emmy for Bridge Videos • MTC Commits Funds to Golden Gate Suicide Deterrent
  • May/June 2014
    Electric Vehicle Events • Bike to Work Day • Bike Share Steers East • Demolishing the Old East Span • Presidio Parkway • Youth Conference and Bike Share Honored at Awards Ceremony • Clipper Reaches 20 Million Monthly Transactions
  • March/April 2014
    Make a Move on Transportation Awards • MTC's New Home Takes Shape • Oakland Airport Connector on Track • Changes Afoot on East Span Bike Path • Gear Up for Bike to Work Day • Send Us Your Bikeshare Selfies • Scenes From South Bay BART • Bay Trail's Beauty Displayed at Photo Show • Rule Calls for More Workplace Commute Perks • Drive Smart With 511
  • January/February 2014
    2013: Our Year in Review • $10 Billion Dedicated to Transportation and Climate Projects • Excellence in Motion Awards • Left Coast Lifter Leaves the Coast • Bike Share Picks Up Speed • Plan Bay Area Available • Farewell to Old Fares • Behind the Scenes With "The Bridge Builders" • MTC Summer High School Internships • 511 Rings in the New Year • New on Video • Stay in the Know


  • November/December 2013
    Caldecott Fourth Bore Provides Relief to Drivers • New Cordelia Truck Scales Tackle Congestion • Bridge Troll's New Haunt Is Oakland Museum • Bay Lights Bright All Night • New Bridge Inspires Diverse Range of Art Exhibits • Get Wet and Wild on the Bay Area's Newest Trail • Clipper Commemorative Cards Celebrate New East Span • Drive Smart With 511 • New on Video
  • October 2013
    BART Strike Updates • Bay Area Bike Share Hits the Road • Inaugurating an Icon: The New Bay Bridge • East Span Opens • East Span on Display: Bridge Exhibits Around the Bay • Bike Path a Boon on Bay Bridge • Changing of the Trolls • Connect, Redwood City! • Clipper Launches New Mobile Site • Youths & Seniors Can Apply for Clipper Online • Pavement Grant Deadline Approaches • Say YES to the Environment • Photos: East Span Labor Day Weekend Opening • New on Video
  • August 2013
    New Bay Bridge East Span to Open • Picture This: The New East Span in Photos • Plan Bay Area Adopted • Bike Sharing Launches August 29 • Pocket-Size Bay Trail • Youth Sustainability Summit • Pay for Parking with Clipper • SF Bay and Bridge Construction on Display • New Ways to Tune In to MTC • New on Video
  • July 2013
    Trekker Circles Bay in 30 Days • Plan Bay Area: What We Heard • Bay Bridge East Span Update • Toll Plaza Facelift • Bridge Builders Photo Exhibit • Caldecott Fourth Bore • goBerkeley Launched • High School Interns • 2012 Annual Report • What's New on Video
  • April 2013
    Draft Plan Bay Area • Bike to Work Day • Policy Advisory Council Recruitment • Bay Area Infrastructure Boom • Complete Streets Workshop • 511 Promotions
  • February 2013
    High School Internships • Ferry Flap Sign • 511 Celebrates 10th • New OneBayArea Website • Tunnel Vision Photo Exhibit • Bay Bridge Light Sculpture • Smart Parking Symposium• New on YouTube


  • November 2012
    Transportation Awards • Bay Area Pavement Report Card • Lecture Series • Caldecott Tunnel Update • Tunnel Vision Exhibit • 511 Real Time Info • New on Video
  • June/July 2012
    Plan Bay Area • East Span Gets Suspenseful • Dumbarton Express Bus Line Revs Up Service • Clipper Card Update • Legislature Passes High-Speed Rail and New MTC Seats • Caldecott Tunnel Photo Exhibit • Awards Program • Dumbarton Bridge Closure • New on Video
  • April/May 2012
    Plan Bay Area • Seismic Retrofit Projects • East Span Cable • MTC 2011 • Bike to Work Day • Multi-Axle Tolls Rise • MTC Receives Awards
  • March 2012
    Awards Nominations • Plan Bay Area Draft Land Use Scenario • 511 Smartphone App • Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary Celebration • Household Survey • Bay Shoreline Pilot Study • Variety of Art Exhibits at MetroCenter
  • January/February 2012
    Awards Nominations • Plan Bay Area Virtual Workshop • Paid High School Internships • Bay Bridge Closure Over Presidents' Day Weekend • Yerba Buena Island Link • Caldecott Tunnel Medallions • Bike to BART • Art Exhibits Celebrate Black History Month


  • December 2011
    Clipper as Last-Minute Gift • Bay Bridge 75th Birthday • Bay Bridge Film at Pier 39 • Plan Bay Area Workshops • New 511 Online Traffic Site • Breakthrough at Caldecott Tunnel • Federal Review of MTC Planning Process
  • September 2011
    Clipper Breaks Records • New Video Wall Monitors Traffic • Lights Illuminate East Span Progress • I-680 Express Lane Celebrates 1st Birthday • Cool Tool - SFpark • Plan Bay Area e-News • Call for Applications: P-TAP
  • August 2011
    Say Hello to Soltrans! • Freeway Service Patrol Expands Coverage • Call for Projects Enhancing Disabled Access • Need Bay Area Transportation Info? There's an App for That
  • June/July 2011
    800 Community Members Attend Public Outreach Meetings for Plan Bay Area • Bright Orange Catwalks New to Bay Bridge East Span • Can the Bay Area Have Better Roads? • Climate Initiative Receives Statewide Honor • MTC Honored With Distinguished Public Agency Award • Five New Shows on Display at the MTC Art Gallery
  • May 2011
    Bike to Work Day Countdown • Plan Bay Area Meetings • 511 Video Contest • Truck Bridge Toll Hike Nears
  • April 2011
    Ed Roberts Campus Opens • Plan Bay Area Workshops • Traffic Shifts at Bay Bridge • East Span Update • Bike to Work Day • Affordable Housing Fund • Caldecott Tunnel Progress
  • February/March 2011
    New Leadership • Clipper Service Centers • East Span Update • MTC 2010 Annual Report • Internship Program • Facelift • Airport Workshops


  • November 2010
    MTC Is Getting Social • Holiday Gift Ideas • Clipper Goes Multilingual • East Span Tower • Bike Sharing and Electric Vehicles • Award Winners Announced • Public Participation Plan
  • September 2010
    Tips on Understanding the TIP • Transbay Terminal Past, Present and Future • Getting on the FasTrak® Lane • One Bay Area News • Podcar Conference in San Jose
  • June/July 2010
    Toll Hike News • FasTrak Updates • Introducing Clipper Card • Bike to Work Day • East Span Progress • Gateway Park Design Concepts
  • May 2010
    One Bay Area • Bike to Work in May • Dazzling, Daring New Bridge • Get 511 On the Go • June Gateway Park Workshop • Awards Nomination Deadline Extended • Climate Initiatives Grants • Annual Report and Survey • Spare the Air
  • April 2010
    2010 Regional Summit • 2009 Annual Report • Gateway Park Survey • Transportation Awards • Carpooling Survey • Bike to Work in May • College Internships