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U.S. Department of Justice
Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
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Center for Faith Based & Neighborhood Partnerships (FBNP)

Thank you for visiting the U.S. Department of Justice Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (CFBNP) website. It is our goal to strengthen and expand partnerships with faith and community-based organizations throughout the country, as they provide critical support to people in need. Our office serves as a bridge between local and national non-profit organizations and the Department of Justice. We seek to connect faith and community-based organizations with relevant information and to provide them with up to date information about a wide variety of partnership opportunities.

We hope this website will be a useful resource for you. To start, be sure to check out our Agency Priorities section and our Grants page. You can learn more about us in the About tab and the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Finally, be sure to stay current on the happenings in our office and DOJ by visiting our Newsroom and signing up for our e-mail newsletter, which provides regular updates on DOJ news, events, and grant opportunities. In the newsletter you will also find announcements of upcoming conferences and meetings that involve the CFBNP and may be of interest to you. As always please don't hesitate to contact our office with any questions.


Eugene Schneeberg
Director, Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships

"Sometimes faith groups can do the work of caring for the least of these on their own; sometimes they need a partner, whether it's in business or government. And that's why my administration has taken a fresh look at the way we organize with faith groups, the way we work with faith groups through our Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

And through that office, we're expanding the way faith groups can partner with our government. We're helping them feed more kids who otherwise would go hungry. We're helping fatherhood groups get dads the support they need to be there for their children. We're working with non-profits to improve the lives of people around the world. And we're doing it in ways that are aligned with our constitutional principles. And in this work, we intend to expand it in the days ahead, rooted in the notions of partnership and justice and the imperatives to help the poor."

- President Barack Obama
National Prayer Breakfast, February 3, 2011
Read the full transcript here.

Important News!

FAQs Concerning Implementation of Executive Order 13559

Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships
U.S. Department of Justice
810 7th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20531
(202) 305-7462 Telephone
(202) 305-2440 fax