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Use of Frost Amphitheater Policy

Please Note:
The terms of this policy may be subject to change without notice and depending on the particular event held in the space, some policies/procedures may need to be modified.

Please contact the Office of Special Events & Protocol for further information at: 724-1387 or visit for events policy information and updates.

General Policy Information

Stanford's resources exist to support the University's Missions of the creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge. The University's assets must be preserved for these purposes, not for the personal gain of individuals nor for the use by outside organizations which do not relate directly to or further Stanford's academic goals. These activities, if they occurred, would constitute unrelated business activities and it is Stanford's policy not to engage in these activities. (Also refer to sponsorship policies and responsibilities.)

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Direct Costs

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Technical Equipment Usage Fees and Administration

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Written Agreements/Contracts

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Insurance/Liability Coverage

For further information please contact:

Risk Management Office
651 Serra Street, Room 250
Stanford, CA 94305-6207
Phone: 724-9324, Fax: 723-9456

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Committee On Public Events (COPE) Review

For further information, contact the executive director of Office of Special Events & Protocol (OSEP) at 724-1387.

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Ticketing and the Stanford Ticket Office

For further information contact:

Stanford Ticket Office
Tresidder Memorial Union, 1st Floor
Phone: 725-2787.

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Security Requirements

For questions about the use of security and to arrange for an appointment to discuss security for the event, contact: Department of Public Safety at: 723-9633.

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Ambulance and Medical Personnel

Fire Safety

For further information and permit responsibilities contact:

Alison Pena
Assistant Fire Marshal
Environmental Health and Safety
Phone: (650) 723-5099 or (650) 723-0448
Fax: (650) 724-3015

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Posting Advertisements and General Publicity

Please contact the Office of Special Events & Protocol (OSEP).

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Equipment and On-site Technician Requirements

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For further information contact:

Parking & Transportation Services
340 Bonair Siding.
Phone: 650-723-9362.
Fax: 650-724-8676.

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Evening Events and Lighting

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Amplified Sound

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Disability Access Information

For further information regarding Disability and Access Advice please contact:

Stanford Diversity and Access Office
Phone: 723-0755 or visit the DAO website:

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Ushers and General Event Staffing at the Venue

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Electrical Generator for use Inside the Amphitheater

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Food and Beverage Permits and Distribution

For student groups, visit the Student Activities & Leadership (SAL) website for further information and permit applications.

For further information and permit responsibilities contact:

Environmental Health and Safety
Phone: (650) 723-0448

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Alcohol Permits and Service of Alcoholic Beverages

For information about the policy and how to apply for a permit to serve alcohol on campus, please see the Alcohol Permits section of the Office of Special Events & Protocol (OSEP) web site.

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Camping in Frost

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Portable Restroom Facilities

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Grounds Maintenance Services

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Recycling Services

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Janitorial Services

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Pre-Event Walk Through

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Post-Event Walk Through

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