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Use of Memorial Auditorium Policy

Memorial Auditorium

Upon application to the Registrar's Scheduling (RSO), Memorial Auditorium is available for use by academic departments, administrative departments and officially registered student organizations of the ASSU and Student Activities & Leadership (SAL), subject to scheduling constraints and the following guidelines.

Description and Conditions

The following criteria have been established:

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Technical Supervision Requirements

All activities in Memorial Hall require Event Services Supervision, unless an exception has been made by Office of Special Events & Protocol (OSEP) and in conjunction with the Stanford Drama Department.

Any group using Memorial Auditorium is responsible for all direct costs incurred in production, including, but not limited to custodial and technical costs, and supervision by Event Services. Call Event Services for details.

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Ticket Services

  • The sponsor for any event in Memorial Auditorium requiring paid admission must sell or otherwise disperse those tickets through the Stanford Ticket Office operated by Office of Special Events & Protocol (OSEP), a University Service Center.
  • Call 725-2787 for information regarding the services provided by the Ticket Office. The SU-13 for ticket services should be made out to the Stanford Ticket Office and should be submitted to NFS along with your PE-100.
  • Please Note: Any advertising, publicity, selling or dispersing of tickets is forbidden by University policy until after all required paperwork has been turned in to RSO, and your PE-100 has been approved by Student Activities & Leadership (SAL) (for registered student groups) and Office of Special Events & Protocol (OSEP).

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For University Departments and Schools

Email: to request a reservation.
Requests must be made at least 15 working days in advance, but no earlier than the January prior to the fiscal year of the requested date of use.

For Registered Student Groups

Please contact Student Activities & Leadership (SAL)

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Custodial Services

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