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Stanford Start-ups

Partial list of licensees whose license involved equity

Last updated May 2011. External links will open a new browser window.

Company Stanford Technology
(acquired by Trimble)
Algorithm which generates vector corrections used in Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
3D Solid Compressions Modeling system for generating true virtual representations of three-dimensional objects with interactive multimedia capabilities.
3DM See Paraform, Inc.
4Cyte Therapeutics Genes for encoding polyketides.
Abrizio, Inc.
(acquired by PMC-Sierra, Inc.)
Very high speed data switching technology utilized in telecommunications applications.
Acumen Medical Medical device to deliver a catheter or guide wire to the coronary sinus of patients with difficult anatomy.
Adaptive Spectrum Signal Alignment Software for automated optimization, diagnostics and performance improvement of DSL networks.
Advanced Liquid Logic Droplet microactuator for DNA sequencing.
Aera Medical Medical device for treating obstructive sleep apnea.
Affinity Circles
(formerly Affinity Engines)
Private and secure online social network.
Aileron Therapeutics
(formerly Renegade Therapeutics)
System to improve a drug’s affinity for its target, its selectivity, and its pharmacokinetic properties.
Akrotome Imaging
(Akrotome has a mission of advancing surgical cancer treatment with new imaging agents that give surgeons rapid and direct visual differentiation between diseased cells and normal tissue during surgery.)
Probes for imaging tumor cells.
Amati Communications Corp.
(acquired by Texas Instruments, Inc.)
Descrete multitone (DMT) technologies for Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL).
Amplyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Patents covering attachment of small ligands to biologically active compounds to concentrate them at the desired target.
Amprius, Inc.
Nanowire electrodes that could make dramatic improvements in energy density in lithium batteries.
Anacor Pharmaceuticals
(formerly Anamax)
Gene that encodes a potential target for anti-microbial agents against bacteria.
Anamax See Anacor Pharmaceuticals.
Angara Database Systems, Inc.
(merged with Personify)
Relational database for real-time applications.
Animotion, Inc. See Mixamo
Applied Genomics, Inc.
(acquired by Clarient, a GE Healthcare Company)
Methods for using microarrays to identify genes with potential therapeutic, diagnostic, or prognostic uses.
Aquarius Medical Corporation
(acquired by Kobayashi and spun out as Dynatherm Medical, Inc.)
Device for rapid body warming.
Arbor Vita Corporation
Gene involved in communication between cells of the immune system.
Ariad Gene Therapeutics, Inc.
System for regulating gene therapy using orally administered drugs.
Arresto Biosciences, Inc.
(acquired by Gilead Sciences, Inc.)
Therapeutic target for cancer metastasis.
Artemis Health, Inc.
See Verinata Health, Inc.
Atreus Pharmaceutical Corporation
Radiolabeled protein for imaging cell death associated with cancer and other conditions.
AVAcore Technologies, Inc.
Device to regulate body temperature to enhance athletic performance and to prevent hypothermia and hyperthermia.
Avantec Vascular Corp. Agent to prevent or treat blocked blood vessels.
(acquired by Illumina)
System for performing DNA sequencing and other biological assays on a single complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) chip.
AviGenics Inc. See Synageva BioPharma.
Balance Therapeutics, Inc. Treatment and drug screening for cognitive impairment and mental retardation.
Barcelona Design, Inc. Geometric programming for automating design of analog circuits.
Bayhill Therapeutics
Therapeutic agents for treating autoimmune disease and methods for diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.
BioAdvantex Pharma Inc.
Use of N-acetylcsteine (NAC) to treat AIDS and other diseases.
BioCardia, Inc.
cDNA libraries of genes involved in angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels) and vascular development.
Bioscape See Molecular Applications Group.
Biospect, Inc. See Predicant Biosciences, Inc.
BlueLeaf Networks See Picarro, Inc.
Brion Technologies, Inc.
Automated methods to inspect defects in patterns – for use in areas such as semiconductors, textiles, or oil pipelines.
BusinessOnDemand Portfolio of technology for data communications systems.
C3Nano, Inc.
Nanowelding process to create nano and microstructures, including a thin film hybrid carbon nanotube (CNT) network that can be used for transparent electrodes.
Cardinal Sound Labs Hearing aid which emphasizes sound in the look direction and minimizes sound coming from the sides and rear.
Cardinal Therapeutics Therapy for multiple sclerosis.
CB Biopharma System to improve a drug’s affinity for its target, its selectivity, and its pharmacokinetic properties.
Cell NetwoRx LLC System for detecting protein-protein interactions.
Cellerant Therapeutics, Inc.
(formerly CelTrans)
Method to use a signaling molecule to promote the growth of hematopoietic (blood cell-forming) stem cells.
CellGate, Inc.
(acquired by Progen Pharmaceuticals)
Method to deliver biopolymer drugs into cells.
CelTrans See Cellerant Therapeutics
Chromosome Arts Enzymes and methods to insert genes into chromosomes.
CoMentis Inc.
Agents to inhibit and promote angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation).
CompuCyte Corporation
Assay for rapid identification of a marker for neonatal infections.
Cooke Pharma, Inc.
(acquired by United Therapeutics Corporation)
Using arginine to prevent blood vessel diseases.
Cooligy, Inc.
(acquired by Emerson Electric)
Closed-loop active cooling system for CPUs, ASICs, graphics chips, and the large programmable gate arrays.
Corcept Therapeutics, Inc.
Using drugs that inhibit the binding of cortisol to treat depression and promote the delivery of blood to the brain.
Corgentech, Inc.
(merged with AlgoRx to form Anesiva)
Device to deliver DNA to cells both inside the body and in veins removed from the body (for bypass surgery).
CorSolutions Medical, Inc.
(formerly Railin Medical; acquired by Matria Healthcare/Alere)
A computer assisted diet control for patients with high cholesterol.
Coverity, Inc.
Software for detecting errors in computing systems.
(acquired by BresaGen, which was acquired by Hospira)
Methods for monitoring the activities of transplanted cells.
Deltronic Crystal Industries
Nonlinear optical materials and devices.
DK Spine See Vertiflex
DxTerity, Inc.
Reagents for nucleic acid detection.
System for peer-to-peer video streaming.
Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Inc.
Screening methods, targets, and compounds to treat hepatitis.
ElFaMed, Inc.
Methods for skin cell culture.
Endovasc, Inc. Use of nicotine to promote angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels).
ePatterns, Inc. Compiler and analysis toolset for prototyping large concurrent systems.
Fate Therapeutics
Hedghog pathway antagonists.
Ficus Medical Systems, Inc. Forward viewing ultrasound catheter to evaluate blocked blood vessels.
Flamentera AG Non-invasive biomarkers for enteropathic diseases such as celiac sprue.
Fluid Medical, Inc.
(acquired by Volcano Corporation)
Methods of ultrasound imaging for intravascular intervention.
Methods for manipulating biomolecules in microfluidic devices.
Functional Genetics
Methods for identifying genes that may be involved in cancer and other diseases.
Fundamental Applied Biology See Sutro Biopharma, Inc.
General MEMS Corporation Ultrasound transducer.
Gigabit See Iospan Wireless, Inc. See Infravio, Inc.
Google, Inc.
Improved searching and ranking of hypertext pages.
GreenLight Biosciences
Cell-free production of metabolic enzymes for synthesis of biochemicals such as biofuels and pharmaceuticals.
Helix Systems, Inc. Software to provide integrated services for biological research laboratories.
Hypnion, Inc.
(acquired by Eli Lilly)
Bioassay system for assessing the effects of drugs on sleep and other physiological functions.
Identicrypt See Voltage Security
ImaTx: Imaging Therapeutics
(formerly Osteonet)
New techniques and methods to measure and track cartilage loss. This can be used to determine risk for progression of osteoarthritis.
Imetrx, Inc. Device for identifying unstable plaques in blood vessels at the time of vascular catheterization.
Informed Diagnostics See Picarro, Inc.
Infravio, Inc.
(formerly; acquired by webMethods which was then acquired by Software AG)
Model interface and strategy for mediated systems.
Ingrain Inc.
Software for analysis of rock properties.
Innate Immune, Inc.
(Innate Immune is a company focused on discovery and development of therapeutics for asthma and autoimmune diseases.)
Treatments for allergic and autoimmune disorders.
Innovative Semiconductors, Inc.
Array oscillator circuit.
InSite Medical Technologies
(A medical device company focused on the safe and accurate delivery of epidural anesthesia.)
Device for epidural anesthesia.
IntegriNautics Corp. See Novariant
Iospan Wireless, Inc.
(formerly Gigabit; acquired by Intel)
Method and apparatus for increasing the capacity of wireless broadcast communication systems.
Outpatient physiological monitoring devices and systems.
Junius Tech
(acquired by Nanostellar, Inc)
Software to predict properties of material systems, such as metals and semiconductors.
Kai Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Peptides that specifically target forms of protein kinase C (PKC) for drug screening and potentially for treatment of heart disease and cancer.
(acquired by Google, Inc.)
Algorithms for personalized page ranking on the world wide web.
KHYSS A non-invasive device that alters gastric emptying and intestinal function.
Kniest, Inc. Methods for digital synthesis of plucked string and drum sounds.
Kosan Biosciences, Inc.
(acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb)
Methods for genetically engineering novel drugs that are similar to microbial natural products.
Layton Bioscience, Inc. Methods to treat neurotoxic injury, methods for DNA synthesis on fixed tissue, and methods for measuring amounts of mRNA.
LBS Technologies, Inc. Methods for DNA synthesis on fixed tissue.
Lex Machina, Inc. A web service system designed to track intellectual property litigation.
Lexrite Labs Method for targeting treatment to tumors.
(acquired by Arasor)
Nonlinear optical materials and devices.
LightConnect, Inc. See NeoPhotonics
Lumen Therapeutics LLP Using polyarginine to prevent restenosis (the re-closing of an artery that was previously opened).
Luxcore Optronics Optical repeater for fiber optics communication system.
Lyncean Technologies, Inc. Compact X-ray source.
Lytro, Inc.
(formerly Refocus Imaging, Inc.)
Camera and methods for refocusing depth of field in photographs.
MagArray, Inc. Magnetic nanoparticle system for protein and DNA detection.
Matrix Sensors, Inc. Transducer to generate ultrasound in air.
(A biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of novel medicines for neurological disorders.)
Soluble factors for central nervous system neurons.
Microbar Improved micromachined droplet ejector.
Microelectronics Control & Sensing Inc. Module for thermal processing of semiconductor substrates.
(formerly Animotion, Inc.)
Software for full body motion capture in animation.
Moka5 Virtual machines for administering computers.
Molecular Applications Group
(formerly Bioscape)
Software to graphically display biological molecules like DNA, RNA and proteins.
Molecular Nanosystems, Inc. Techniques for manufacturing and using carbon nanotubes as sensors and electronic devices.
(formerly LightConnect)
Device for high resolution light beam modulation.
NeoStim Device for targeting brain stimulation.
Network Application Technology, Inc. Telnet server software.
Neuris Software for computing brain perfusion maps to facilitate treatment decisions in stroke patients.
Neurobiological Technologies, Inc. Novel opioid compound for pain relief.
Neurocrine Biosciences Methods to diagnose and treat autoimmune diseases.
Nodality, Inc. Methods and reagents for studying protein activity with flow cytometry.
(formerly IntegriNautics Corp.)
Global Positioning System (GPS) system using Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEOS) and GPS technology to automate operation of agricultural equipment.
Nove Technologies, Inc. Composite superconducting wire.
Numerix EGS4 Software
Ontogeny, Inc.
(merged to form Curis, Inc.)
Gene for basal cell carcinoma.
Optical Biopsy Technologies, Inc. Confocal microscope made entirely using standard silicon micromachining techniques.
OptiComp Corporation Method for fabricating a semiconductor device for optical communications.
OptiMedica Corporation Laser system for treatment of the retina.
Osteonet See ImaTx: Imaging Therapeutics
Paraform, Inc.
[formerly3DM, acquired by Nikon Metrology (formerly Metris)]
Algorithm and software for converting irregular 3-dimensional shapes into digital models suitable for animation or rendering.
ParAllele BioScience Inc.
(acquired by Affymetrix)
Multiplex method for analyzing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from genomic DNA.
Park Scientific Instruments
(acquired by ThermoMicroscopes, acquired by Veeco Instruments)
Cantilevers for atomic force microscopy.
PEAK Surgical, Inc. Microsurgical devices.
Picarro, Inc.
(formerly Informed Diagnostics, formerly BlueLeaf Networks)
Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) to detect trace amounts of gas-phase species.
PIKAMAB, Inc. SNP tests to predict response to therapy.
Pixim, Inc. CMOS image sensor technologies with pixel level processing.
PlasmaMed, Inc. Methods for rapid sterilization of instruments.
Poetic Genetics, Inc. Enzymes and methods to insert genes into chromosomes.
Predicant Biosciences, Inc.
(formerly Biospect, Inc., merged to form Pathwork Diagnostics)
Improved mass spectrometer for analyzing chemical and biochemical specimens.
Proacta Therapeutics Methods for using anaerobic bacteria to selectively treat tumors.
Proteomic Systems, Inc. See Synamem
Protiveris, Inc. Sensor for detecting the deflection of cantilevers in an atomic force microscope.
Protogene Laboratories, Inc. Apparatus and methods for synthesizing oligonucleotides.
Quanticell Pharma, Inc.
(Efficient drug discovery and development enabled through advances in single-cell biology.)
Portfolio of technologies for cancer stem cells and single cell analysis.
QuantumScape Corporation Portfolio of technologies for improved solid-state energy storage system.
Redwood Microsystems, Inc. Regulator that enables two-way communication between electric and pneumatic systems such as temperature and pressure sensors, fiber optic communication networks, and optical computers.
Refocus Imaging, Inc. See Lytro, Inc.
RegenMed Systems Device to harvest bone marrow.
Renegade Therapeutics See Aileron Therapeutics
RFco, Inc. Microchip radio for frequencies up to and beyond the cellular telephone band.
Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Methods to screen libraries of compounds for potential drugs that act on cell signaling pathways.
Risk Management Solutions, Inc. Software to help determine risk from earthquakes.
Rita Medical Systems
(formerly Zomed International, Inc.; acquired by Angiodynamics)
Catheter that uses heat to destroy tissue such as cancer tissue.
Rox Medical, Inc. Medical device to allow blood to flow from the arterial system to the venous system.
Ruga Corporation Portfolio of technologies related to cancer therapeutics.
Sabio Labs, Inc.
(acquired by Magma Design Automation)
Computer-aided method for analog circuit design.
Sangstat Medical Corporation
(acquired by Genzyme Corporation)
Compounds to modulate a patient’s immune system.
SaraTech, Inc. Medical device for repairing spinal discs.
SemiZone Courses in semiconductor and related fields.
Sensametrics, Inc. Sensors and software to monitor structures over time as well as before, during, and after hazardous events such as earthquakes.
Sensant Corporation
(acquired by Siemens)
Transducer to generate ultrasound in air.
Senvid, Inc.
(acquired by Western Digital)
Software for controlling appliances and instrumentation over the Internet.
(acquired by 24/7 Media, Inc.)
Tool for filtering information.
Silvaco Data Systems Software for computer-aided design (CAD).
Singulex Inc. Single molecule detection system.
SiRF Technology, Inc.
(acquired by CSR Plc)
Decoding software for Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
Solar Junction Corporation Methods for making efficient solar cells.
Solis Therapeutics, Inc. Gene therapy to prevent and treat infections.
Spinal Kinetics Prosthetic intervertebral disc.
Spinal Modulation, Inc. Medical device for spinal surgery.
SpineView, Inc. Medical device for minimally-invasive spinal surgery.
Spiracur, Inc. System for treating tissue damage associated with vascular deficiencies and neuropathies.
Staccato Systems, Inc.
(acquired by Analog Devices, Inc.)
Technologies for musical sound synthesis.
StanGraft, Inc. Expandable stent to repair or reinforce blood vessels.
StemCells Inc. Insulin-producing cells.
StemCor Systems, Inc. Device for extracting body tissue, such as bone marrow.
StrataGent Life Sciences, Inc.
(merged with Corium)
Liquid microjet device for microsurgical applications.
Stream Processors, Inc. Architectures and software tools for data processing.
StreamExpress Method for improving the quality of service for Internet telephony.
Sutro Biopharma, Inc.
(formerly Fundamental Applied Biology)
In vitro protein synthesis.
SwitchGear Genomics Microarrays for DNA methylation and gene regulatory elements.
Synageva Biopharma
(formerly Avigenics, Inc.)
Enzymes and methods to insert genes into chromosomes.
(formerly Proteomic Systems, Inc.)
Techniques for producing arrays of pixels that mimic the cell surface, for use in drug discovery and research.
Synvascular, Inc. Gels for vascular anastomosis.
Tableau Software LLC Graphical user interface for visualizing data from spreadsheets.
TcLand Expression Predictive markers for organ transplant rejection.
TeleVersal Systems Signal processing for mobile wireless communication.
Telik, Inc.
(formerly Terrapin Technologies)
Methods and molecules to screen for drugs that block different forms of protein kinase C (PKC).
Telomolecular DNA nanocircles for elongating telomeres on human chromosomes.
TeraStor Corporation Solid immersion lens (SIL) technology for optical storage.
Terrapin Technologies See Telik, Inc.
Tosk, Inc. System for transferring genes into fruit fly and quail cells.
T-RAM Novel structure for improved random access memory.
Transfer Devices, Inc. Methods for transferring patterns.
(acquired by Axiom Navigation)
Decoding software for Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
Trellis Bioscience, Inc. Methods and molecules to screen for drugs that block different forms of protein kinase C (PKC).
Tumri, Inc. Infomaster software for a virtual data warehouse.
Univfy Tools to predict success of in vitro fertilization.
Vascular Precision Medical device for interventional cardiology.
VasoCure Novel class of agents to prevent organ damage by blocking immune cells from attacking blood vessels.
Vector Magic Inc. Software for converting bit map images into vector art.
Venomatrix, Inc. Methods and equipment to deliver drug treatment into tissues such as the heart.
Verinata Health, Inc.
(formerly Artemis Health, Inc.)
dPCR (digital polymerase chain reaction) for prenatal diagnostics.
Vertiflex, Inc.
(formerly DK Spine)
Artificial vertebral joint.
VIA Pharmaceuticals Inc. Therapeutic and diagnostic target for atherosclerosis.
(acquired by ePM, LLC)
Virtual Design Team – a computer simulation model that uses artificial intelligence to predict the time required to complete an engineering design project.
Vivios Pharmaceuticals Systems for detecting molecular interactions.
(acquired by EMC Corporation)
Software to efficiently run multiple operating systems on shared memory multiprocessors.
VoiceTech Worldwide, Inc. System to convert messages from voice-mail and fax machines to e-mail.
Voltage Security
(formerly Identicrypt)
Algorithms for identity based encryption of electronic data.
Voyage Medical Device for accessing the coronary sinus to deliver cardiac catheters and other devices.
(acquired by Microsoft)
Methods to deliver low bandwidth audio/video over the internet.
Wave80 Biosciences, Inc. Electroosmotic micropumps.
WiSE Communications, Inc. Hardware and software for automated patient encounters at medical clinics.
Xagros Technologies, Inc. Method for fast, high throughput DNA sequencing on a silicon wafer.
Xeragen, Inc. Machines and methods for parallel analysis of micro-volume chemical and biochemical reactions in arrays.
Xgene Corporation Methods for generating a mimic of human skin.
Zeta Music Systems, Inc. Improved piezoelectric pickup for violin or guitar.
Zomed International, Inc. See Rita Medical Systems.
Zyomyx, Inc. Chemical methods to bond molecules to a silicon surface.

©2011 Stanford University