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The Benson Lab is a research group in the department of Energy Resources Engineering. We investigate fundamental characteristics of carbon dioxide storage in geologic formations as a means of climate change mitigation. Better understanding of the relative permeability of CO2 and brine is essential to this goal. Currently, our focus is to investigate the sensitivity of relative permeability to injection flow-rate and various fluid properties such as viscosity, pressure, temperature, and interfacial tension.


C.W. Kuo and S. Benson (2015), Numerical and Analytical Study of Effects of Small Scale Heterogeneity on CO2/Brine Multiphase Flow System in Horizontal Corefloods, Advances in Water Resources, 79, 1-17.DOI

F. Yang et al. (2015), Extraction of Pore-Morphology and Capillary Pressure Curves of Porous Media from Synchrotron-Based Tomography Data, in press.

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