Critical Care Medicine in the department of Pediatrics


Collaborative research efforts from within the Division are far-reaching, ranging from pulmonary vascular biology basic science research in the Alvira lab and Cornfield labs, which have received funding from NIH and American Heart Association, pharmacokinetics research in collaboration with the Department of Anesthesia with Drs. Hammer and Su, resuscitation outcomes research with Dr. Franzon, and innovative research leveraging the power of the electronic medical record to enhance patient care with Dr Pageler.  Modest clinical and translational research endeavors have been undertaken and supported in collaboration with other subspecialty divisions.  The Division is a member of PALISI, is participating in the SPROUT Trial, and is seeking further collaborative opportunities.  Faculty members have mentored fellows in Global Health, QI projects, palliative care, basic science research and ranslational research.  Critical Care fellows have opportunities for oral and poster presentations at meetings such as SCCM, PAS and the Pediatric Critical Care World Congress.  Potential for DNA-specimen banking exists, opening up a vast field of opportunity for genomics research in critical illness from within the Division. 

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