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Neandertals were choosy about making bone tools

Evidence continues to mount that the Neandertals, who lived in Europe and Asia until about 40,000 years ago, were more sophisticated people than once thought. A new study from UC Davis shows that Neandertals chose to use ...

Rediscovering a path to the Milky Way through archaeology

We're standing on a roadside at the edge of a muddy expanse. While I'm wearing rubber boots, Tim Pauketat is going to get his feet wet. He left his waterproof boots in Indiana, but this won't stop him from tromping out into ...

Ancient reptile had mammal-like tooth enamel, study shows

A new study by University of Alberta paleontologists shows that one type of ancient reptiles evolved a special type of tooth enamel, similar to that of mammals, with high resistance to wear and tear.

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Marooned on Mesozoic Madagascar: Researchers discover 66-million-year-old 'crazy beast'
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Evidence of Late Pleistocene human colonization of isolated islands beyond Wallace's Line
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Archaeologists have a lot of dates wrong for North American indigenous history – but new techniques are correcting it
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X-ray analysis of artifacts from Henry VIII's warship the Mary Rose
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Bronze Age swords bear the marks of skilled fighters
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Study traces spread of early dairy farming across Western Europe
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Disappearance of animal species takes mental, cultural and material toll on humans
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Diverse livelihoods helped resilient Levänluhta people survive a climate disaster
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Video: The muddle in the middle-Pleistocene
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Archaeologists verify Florida's Mound Key as location of elusive Spanish fort
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Neandertals had older mothers and younger fathers
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New findings on procedures and meanings of human heart sacrifices in Mesoamerica
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Fossil frogs offer insights into ancient Antarctica
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Giant 'teenager' shark from the dinosaur era identified from vertebrae remains
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Jurassic Park in eastern Morocco: Paleontology of the Kem Kem Group
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A study reveals one of the possible uses of spheroids in the Middle East 400,000 years ago
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Study sheds light on unique culinary traditions of prehistoric hunter-gatherers
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Neolithic genomes from modern-day Switzerland indicate parallel ancient societies
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