Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholars

April 2010

Administrator Quarterly Meeting Presentation

Attached are the slides from this morning’s (very informative) Quarterly Postdoc Administrator’s Meeting. There were quite a few announcements, so if you weren’t able to make it please be sure to check out the sides, in particular, regarding:

OPA Office Closure: 4/23-4/28 for building renovations (slide 3)
OPA Staff Role Reorganization: know who to contact (slides 4-7)
The contacts page of our website will be updated shortly
Revised Forms will be up on our website soon (slide 11)
Recommendation Forms & Information Sheet
Patty Winningham provided a great link to Employment Verification Letters that postdocs can use; it is particularly helpful for those postdocs on visas who would like to invite family members to visit (salary & non-salary types available)
BISNet à ClearBenefits
The system will be getting an upgrade… more details to come



Shannon Monahan
Reporting and Finance Analyst
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
1215 Welch Road

Modular A, Room 85
MC: 5402

Postdoc Administrator Update – April 2010

Postdoc Administrator Update – April 2010
(sent by email to supdssworkgrou on April 11, 2010)
In this Issue:
1. Important Policy Update: Sixth-year Reappointments
2. 2010 Funding Levels for Research Scholars and Clinical Fellows
3. Call for Nominations: Postdoctoral Mentoring Awards 2010
4. REMINDER: Administrator Quarterly Meeting: April 19, 9:30 – 10:30
5. Postdocs in the News!!
6. Upcoming Talks
7. Upcoming Training Sessions for Administrators

(Access this issue, archives of past issues and other important memoranda from Postdoc Affairs online at the Administrator Blog


1. Important Policy Update: Sixth-year Reappointments

At recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Postdoctoral Affairs, The provost has approved an exception to the maximum of five total years for a postdoctoral appointment will be permitted without special approvals, allowing postdoctoral scholars to remain in that status through a sixth year of appointment, not to go beyond September 30, 2011.

This is a temporary provision in the current term limits, first allowed by the Provost in April 2009, and re-authorized for another year in April 2010.

If a Postdoctoral Scholar's fifth year ends before September 30, 2011, the faculty sponsor may request a sixth year through the normal reappointment process. The postdoctoral appointment may not be extended beyond a sixth year, and the extended appointment must end on or before September 30, 2011. Postdoctoral scholars whose fifth year ends after September 30, 2010 may be extended only for the period of time through September 30, 2011.

This means that a postdoc may remain in postdoc status through his/her sixth year of postdoctoral research training, not to go beyond September 30, 2011.

The Research Policy Handbook has been updated to reflect this change:

2. 2010 Funding Levels for Research Scholars and Clinical Fellows

The funding minimums for postdoctoral scholars for the coming year have been announced.

For postdoctoral scholars who are at Stanford in research-only appointments, the salary scale for 2010 was recently announced, reflecting a 1% increase across all steps. Remember that your postdocs must receive a step increase every October based on their postdoc research years if they are paid at the minimum level. It is never too early to review your postdoc funding and bring it to your faculty’s attention in preparation for any necessary adjustments in October. The 2010 scale and salary calculator are online .

For clinical trainees at the School of Medicine, funding is required at the appropriate PGY scale effective July 1, 2010. There is no restriction on the source of the funds—it would be acceptable that a combination of sources is used and it would be preferable that fellows who are funded by the hospital hold a 50% appointment through Graduate Medical Education in order to avoid disruption in benefits. Please refer to the memo of March 29 for more details—posted on Administrator Blog.

3. Call for Nominations: Postdoctoral Mentoring Awards 2010

The Stanford University Postdoc Association (SUPD) is pleased to announce the third annual SUPD Postdoctoral Mentoring Award. If you have a great postdoctoral mentor, we invite you and his/her postdocs to send in a nomination for this award, which carries a cash prize of $2500. The deadline to submit the nominations is Friday April 23, 2010. Postdocs may nominate individuals who are not their faculty sponsor. Nominations are not limited to faculty ranks; Research Associates are eligible, for example. Two awards will be given. To learn more about the award or to submit a nomination, please go to:

4. REMINDER: Administrator Quarterly Meeting: April 19, 9:30 – 10:30

The Administrator Quarterly Meeting will on “Policy Updates and Tips & Tricks.” The meeting will cover the recent policy updates in addition to administrative procedures and effective and efficient time-saving ways to manage your support to postdocs. There will be time for an open forum and Q&As. Join us in the Clark Center, room S360 at 9:30 on April 19.

5. Postdocs in the News!

If you haven’t seen it already, read the Stanford Report story on postdocs at the university, profiling two postdocs and highlighting the continuous rise in postdocs appointments.

6. Upcoming Talks – Please Forward!
Work Life Balance - Effectively Balancing the Demands of Academic Life as part of the Scientific Management Series. April 15, 2010; 5:00-6:00 PM. More information and registration
Creating and Sustaining Successful Scientific Collaborations, last session of the 2010
Scientific Management Series, April 22, 2010; 5:00-6:00 PM. More information and registration
STARTING OUT RIGHT AS A PROFESSOR - It's More Than Just Looking Out For #1. Postdoc Academic Chats. May 7, 2010; 12:00-1:30 PM. More information and registration

7. Training Sessions for Administrators

Monday, April 12th, GFS Entry & Policy

This training session will cover the basics of policy and entry of postdoctoral funding. Topics include: determining correct funding levels for postdocs; fellowship vs. salary; entry of pay lines in GFS, including multiple sources of funding, salary and fellowship combinations, information lines for externally-supported/direct-paid scholars; when and how to terminate pay lines; making retroactive adjustments; and all you need to know in order to administer your postdoc financial support! Note that this training does not fulfill the requirement for entry access to the GFS system. Monday, April 12, 2010, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 1215 Welch Road, Rm 62. Register in STARS (OPA-1051-041210). Led by Alistair Murray.

Monday, April 26th, Appointment Processing for Clinical Fellows

There are several policy and procedural changes in the appointment of clinical fellows this year. Be sure to attend this session if this is part of your responsibilities. This 90-minute training session will cover the nuts and bolts of hiring clinical fellows, coordination with the Graduate Medical Education Office, mandatory training requirements for the fellows, issues of pay and benefits, and the policies applicable to the fellows on the SHC and SoM sides of the house! Monday, April 26, 2010, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Register in STARS (OPA-1201-042610). Led by Alistair Murray.

Produced by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, Stanford University, 1215 Welch Rd., Stanford, CA 94305 | |

2010-2011 Minimum Postdoc Salary/Stipend Levels

Date: April 5, 2010

To: Faculty Mentors, Staff, and Postdoctoral Scholars

From: Rania Sanford, Assistant Dean, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Re: Minimum Postdoctoral Scholar Salary/Stipend Levels for 2010-2011

The Vice Provost for Graduate Education Patricia Gumport and Provost John Etchemendy have approved new minimum postdoctoral research scholar salary/stipend levels for 2010-2011, after recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Postdoctoral Affairs chaired by Dr. Michael Longaker.

The university will continue with a salary/stipend increase to postdoctoral scholars. The new minimum levels reflect a 1% increase, across all pay steps. This increase took into account cost of living in the bay area for food, housing, personal items and transportation, the extent of fellowships available to scholars who are funded externally, and the shrinking funding sources available to faculty mentors. Recommendations are compared with NIH NRSA guidelines, as well as allowable NIH stipend levels for Stanford graduate students.

On October 1, 2010, active postdoctoral scholars must receive salary/stipend that is equal to or above the minimum that is appropriate to them based on the years and months of experience on October 1, 2010. Departments should review their records prior to October in order to determine any necessary adjustments in the new fiscal year.

For more information:
Postdoc funding policies and procedures:
Postdoc 2010-2011 salary/stipend scale:
Downloadable 2010-2011 Salary Calculator online at

For questions:
Contact me at 725-5075 or by email at or the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at

Stanford Medicine Resources:

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