Stanford University
Postdoctoral Scholars

January 2012

Clinical Fellow Patient Care Information Sheet Still Required



We learned last week that GME and the Hospital continue to require a signed paper Patient Care Information Sheet. OPA removed the form from website in early Fall because we captured the information in the PeopleSoft Postdoc Web Forms (on the Recommendation Form for Clinical Trainees). However, the information won’t do for GME and SHC purposes for access to MedHub and other required setup. We are adding the form back to the OPA website. In the meantime, please

1. complete it for your clinical fellows who were appointed with OPA *after* the PS
Web Forms went live in September AND
2. send it to the GME office. (Keep a copy on file and for OPA)

If you appointed clinical fellows *before* the University went live with the PS Web Forms, you do not need to do anything.
If you appointed clinical fellows using the PS Web Forms, complete the attached and send it to GME and OPA.

Apologies for the mix-up and thanks for all your work as we wrap up these fine details with this transition.

Rania Sanford, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean
Postdoctoral Affairs
Stanford University

Postdoc Administrator Update – December 2011

Postdoc Administrator Update – December 2011

1. 2012 Benefits Costs and Providing Aid to Postdocs
2. Postdoc Emergencies During Closure – Local and International
3. Upcoming Postdoc Courses and Workshops
4. Save the Date: Winter Quarter Postdoc Administrator Quarterly Meeting

(Access this issue, archives of past issues and other important memoranda from Postdoc Affairs online at the Administrator Blog


1. 2012 Benefits Costs and Offering Aid to Your Postdocs

Several departments have inquired about ways to assist their postdocs who are impacted by the increase in medical insurance costs in 2012. Some faculty would like to help their postdocs with the additional cost in covering their children or families. That may be done by entering the amount that the faculty member wishes to give the postdoc towards the scholar’s out-of-pocket monthly insurance bill in GFS, using MON_OTH Charge Priority and entering a line under the FLSHP Stipend tab. Administrators may do so, which will apply the aid amount directly to the postdoc’s University Bill, thereby reducing the amount due to be paid by the postdoc towards dependent coverage.

Entering that aid directly towards the charge on the University Bill is the recommended method only because it applies the aid directly to the charge on the bill and reduces the amount that the postdoc would have to pay in after-tax dollars. That said, funding source restrictions apply and increasing the salary may be another possible approach (or the only one) available to a faculty member to help their trainees. This is a local decision and we suggest you consult with your department manager or DFA on an appropriate process in your division/department to manage this in your area.

Refer to the job aid below for instructions on processing these aid lines directly in GFS. If you have questions about entry, please come to the Open Lab scheduled for Friday, January 6, 9:00 am – noon, at 427 Arguello Way. Click on the campus map for directions.

2. Postdoc Emergencies During Closure – Local and International

In case of emergencies that postdoc experience which may require University assistance or intervention, refer to the list of resources below:

- Assistance while traveling, especially abroad (medical, legal, transportation assistance): MEDEX Travel Assist is the provider for postdocs. In the US, call 800.527.0218. In other locations worldwide, call +1.410.453.6330 collect. MEDEX Group #9061. Information about the postdoc MEDEX coverage is at:

- Postdoc is in a crisis, leave a message to Rania Sanford, Postdoc Assistant Dean, at (650) 725-5075 (messages checked regularly), or page the Graduate Life Dean at (650) 723-8222 ext. 25085.

3. Upcoming Postdoc Courses and Workshops

Postdoc Academic Chats #4:
Professors James L. McClelland and Russell D. Fernald
Establishing and Managing A Research Program – Insights For Beginners.
Friday, January 13, 2012; 12:00-1:30 PM.
Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge (LKSC), Room 101.

Advanced English Writing Skills for Non-Native Speakers II: Academic and Professional Writing.
Tuesdays, January 17-March 6, 2012; 4:30-6:30 PM.
Phil Hubbard, Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and Director of the English for Foreign Students program in the Stanford Language Center.
Course Fee: $285, fee includes textbook, pay be payable by PTA.
Registration deadline: January 3, 2012.

Topics in Scientific Management (INDE 230).
Thursdays, January 12-March 15, 2012; 5:15-6:30 PM.
LKSC 130 and Hopkins Marine Station (via video-conference).
Introduction to laboratory or research management skills that are critical to launching independent productive careers in academic and other settings through weekly topics presented by the perspectives of senior faculty and other prominent experts.
The series is intended to complement the HHMI/BWF book, Making the Right Moves – A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty.

OFF CAMPUS: 2012 Workshop for Postdocs Transitioning to Independent Positions, National Institute of General Medicine Sciences (NGIMS).
March 12-13, 2012. Natcher Conference Center, Bethesda, Maryland.
Registration deadline: January 6, 2012.
This workshop brings together approximately 150 postdoctoral scholars who will soon be seeking their first independent positions. While the transition to independence is a challenge for all, young investigators who are members of groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical or behavioral sciences may have an especially difficult time finding and establishing themselves in their first independent positions. For this reason, emphasis will be placed on members of these groups.
The workshop covers a broad range of topics to make a successful transition to independence, including making the right career choice, finding the right institutional fit, applying for a position, succeeding in the job interview and seminar, negotiating a start up package, establishing a lab, finding a mentor, networking and forming collaborations, applying for and getting a grant, undergoing the tenure process, teaching, and balancing research with many other commitments. Although the focus is on academic positions, the participants will also have an opportunity to learn about other scientific careers.
Travel support available to all eligible attendees through FASEB. Contact: Tyrone C. Spady, Ph.D., Science Policy Analyst, at 301-634-7658 or

4. Save the Date: Winter Quarter Postdoc Administrator Quarterly Meeting
Thursday, February 9, 10 – 11:30 am. Stay tuned for location confirmation and agenda.

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs will be closed starting 5 pm today, December 16. We will return on Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Job Aid – Entry of Medical Insurance (Dependent Coverage) Subsidy by Department Staff

Postdocs who enroll children or families in the Stanford-offered medical postdoc plans may receive subsidies from the University’s Family Healthcare Fund upon application. The subsidies apply directly to the insurance charge on the University bill on a monthly basis and are processed in GFS by OPA. In addition, departments and faculty may wish to provide additional subsidies to offset those insurance charges. To do so, GFS may also be used to apply those subsidies directly to the charge on the University Bill.

The following are the instructions for department administrators who would like to enter aid that would offset the amount owed by a postdoc for covering children or families in the Stanford postdoc medical plans (EPO and PPO) which is payable to the University via Stanford ePay.

Aid may be entered directly in GFS, as described below. This will apply a credit to the dependent charges for either the EPO or PPO postdoc plans which appear on the University Bill. This would then reduce the amount owed by the postdoc to the University every month.

Questions: submit a HelpSU Ticket: > Student Services > Postdoctoral Affairs

1 Setup the Item Type for the PTA you intend to use: Steps:
a. Once you know the PTA that will be used to provide the subsidy, you will need to Item Type it accordingly. Under Item Type Setup, enter your PTA information, and navigate to the main Item Type screen.
b. Select MON_OTH as the Charge Priority and Save.
c. Once you have received confirmation that the Item Type has been set up, the subsidy can be entered in GFS.

2 Steps to enter Department Subsidy:
a. Log in to PeopleSoft and navigate to the GFS Aid Entry screen.
b. Enter the EmplID of the postdoc and the current Aid Year and press Search.
c. On the FLSHP Stipend tab, add a new Aid Line, and enter in the following information:
Ident: Fam Hlth Prem Supp
Pay Org: your school or department’s Pay Organization
Monthly Amount: the amount you would like to cover. This may not exceed the amount billed to the postdoc (postdoc contribution towards coverage) .
Start Date: the first day of the month in which you would like to start the subsidy
End Date: the last day of the month in which you would like to end the subsidy
d. Click on the Detail button, and enter in the Item Type and PTA information that you created earlier. Be sure to click on the Copy to All Terms button, if necessary. Then click OK.
e. For status, change it to C to complete, and then click Save at the bottom of the page to route for Approval. The subsidy will be applied on a Monthly basis (between the 15th-20th of each month, depending on when the Student Bill is run).

Important Notes:
 Only postdocs who have either PD + Children coverage or PD + Family coverage is eligible to receive the subsidy.
 The NM-Fee is only applied to Student Accounts in whole dollars. Please take this into account when entering the Monthly Amount.
 Currently, the system only allows subsidies be made to the Medical coverage for a postdoc+children or postdoc+family plans.
 If a Medical subsidy is entered for a month in which there is no dependent postdoc charge, the subsidy will sit as Unapplied Aid. Make sure you run your Unapplied Aid reports regularly.
 If you see a payline on the FLSHP Stipend with a Postdoc Family Fund Ident entry, that means the postdoc is receiving aid from the Family Healthcare Fund towards his/her family coverage. Either reduce your amount or contact the postdoc to decline the FHF subsidy if you will be covering the postdoc bill in full.

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