JGI Illumina Genome Sequencers BNL

Joint Genome Institute genome sequencers.  (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Additional Information

11/29/2017Dear Colleague Letter on Accelerating Development of and Research Impacts from Quantum Information Science .pdf file (249KB)(QIS)

The Office of Science issues two types of funding announcements:

FOAs and DOE National Laboratory Announcements may be issued either as companion announcements—where one of each announcement type is issued in the same topical area—or as stand-alone opportunities. All proposals submitted in response to FOAs and DOE National Laboratory Announcements undergo merit review.

Each funding announcement issued by the Office of Science provides:

  • a technical description of the type of work to be funded;
  • information about the type, size, number, and duration of awards expected;
  • eligibility criteria;
  • instructions for submission of letters of intent (if required), preapplications or preproposals (if required), and applications or proposals; due dates and times;
  • review and selection information, including merit review criteria;
  • award administration information; and
  • agency points of contact.

The Office of Science also issues a cross-cutting, open solicitation annually that is open year-round.

Last modified: 11/29/2017 2:49:36 PM