Explore NASA Science

New Horizons 2018 Close Flyby of a Kuiper Belt Object
Solar System
Dec 6, 2017

New Horizons will fly by its next exploration target, a distant Kuiper Belt object called 2014 MU69 in early 2019. Read more

Americas, as captured by NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) on the NASA/NOAA Deep Space Climate Observatory
Dec 6, 2017

In this episode Tom Wagner of NASA’s Earth Science Division discusses sea ice, volcanoes, what it’s like to live and work in Antarctica, and how... Read more

Artist's concept of Voyager
Solar System
Dec 5, 2017

If you tried to start a car that's been sitting in a garage for decades, you might not expect the engine to respond. Read more

An Out of This World Research Lab Poster
Dec 4, 2017

The International Space Station is more than just a bright light in the night sky. It is also an out-of-this-world research laboratory. Read more

This screen capture from the TCIS tool shows some of the enhancements to interactive region selection, model and data acquisition, statistical comparison, and visualization.
Dec 4, 2017

TCIS is a tool that fuses hurricane models and observations within a web-based system to improve forecasting capabilities. Read more

X-ray source J0045+41
Dec 1, 2017

It seems like even black holes can’t resist the temptation to insert themselves unannounced into photographs. Read more

A Supermoon Trilogy Poster
Sky Watching, Eclipses
Nov 30, 2017

A series of three supermoons will appear on the celestial stage on December 3, 2017, January 1, 2018, and January 31, 2018. Read more

Image of Venus
Solar System, Planets of Our Solar System
Nov 29, 2017

The next stop on our virtual tour is Venus, the closest planet to Earth and the hottest planet in our solar system, with surface temperatures... Read more

Photo of earthquake damage in Nepal
Nov 28, 2017

Data from above guided an unprecedented effort to help Nepal recover from a series of devastating earthquakes The Nepal earthquake disaster launched... Read more

Nov 28, 2017

Deployed from the International Space Station on Nov. 20, 2017, Dellingr, a first of its kind 6U CubeSat is carrying several NASA Goddard developed technologies on-board. ... Read more