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The Myc oncogene helps cancer cells stockpile the fat, or lipids, necessary for rapid growth. Blocking this activity causes human tumors in mice to shrink.

The Myc oncogene helps cancer cells stockpile the fat, or lipids, necessary for rapid growth. Blocking this activity causes human tumors in mice to shrink.

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Stanford researcher Eleni Linos turned to social media to see if it was a more effective way to spread information about skin cancer and tanning to youth.

Stanford researcher Eleni Linos turned to social media to see if it was a more effective way to spread information about skin cancer and tanning to youth.

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Stanford clinicians take their cue from sports and election predictions to calculate an "in-game probability" of success when treating cancer patients.

Stanford clinicians take their cue from sports and election predictions to calculate an "in-game probability" of success when treating cancer patients.

Many metastatic colorectal cancers appear "born to be bad," spreading to other organs before any diagnosis has been made, say Stanford researchers.

Many metastatic colorectal cancers appear "born to be bad," spreading to other organs before any diagnosis has been made, say Stanford researchers.

A state-of-the-field review of stem cell research by Stanford's Helen Blau reveals their promise & exposes problems in the path to clinical applications.

A state-of-the-field review of stem cell research by Stanford's Helen Blau reveals their promise & exposes problems in the path to clinical applications.

E-cigarette flavorings are harmful to blood vessel cells even in the absence of nicotine. The flavors of cinnamon and menthol are particularly dangerous.

E-cigarette flavorings are harmful to blood vessel cells even in the absence of nicotine. The flavors of cinnamon and menthol are particularly dangerous.

Stanford researchers are using lab-grown heart cells to investigate how Chagas disease, which is spread by "kissing bugs," affects heart health.

Stanford researchers are using lab-grown heart cells to investigate how Chagas disease, which is spread by "kissing bugs," affects heart health.

Molecular data identifies breast cancer subgroups likely to recur decades after successful treatment, predicts probable timing and location of metastases.

Molecular data identifies breast cancer subgroups likely to recur decades after successful treatment, predicts probable timing and location of metastases.

Using human embryonic stem cells to study nicotine's effect in development shows defects in cellular communication and longevity, say Stanford scientists.

Using human embryonic stem cells to study nicotine's effect in development shows defects in cellular communication and longevity, say Stanford scientists.

Withdrawing or withholding invasive medical treatments to keep very ill patients in the ICU comfortable and communicative may not hasten their death.

Withdrawing or withholding invasive medical treatments to keep very ill patients in the ICU comfortable and communicative may not hasten their death.

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