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Looking for a good biomedical or science read? Stanford Medicine leaders and science communicators suggest some of their favorites.

Looking for a good biomedical or science read? Stanford Medicine leaders and science communicators suggest some of their favorites.

Award-winning artist Joel Slayton led a workshop to spur Stanford biomedical researchers to tap into their playful side by building a nest for a toy drone.

Award-winning artist Joel Slayton led a workshop to spur Stanford biomedical researchers to tap into their playful side by building a nest for a toy drone.

Immature fat cells grow up if stress hormones rise at night. A new study explains the molecular underpinnings of why people gain weight due to chronic stress, disrupted circadian rhythms and treatment with glucocorticoid drugs.

Immature fat cells grow up if stress hormones rise at night. A new study explains the molecular underpinnings of why people gain weight due to chronic stress, disrupted circadian rhythms and treatment with glucocorticoid drugs.