
Cardiovascular Intensive Care

The Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU) is a rich environment for learning. Our CVICU faculty doctors are faculty members at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Part of their faculty role is to train the next generation of health care professionals. Our faculty doctors are dedicated to training pediatric cardiology, pediatric cardiothoracic surgery, and critical care medicine fellows and anesthesia and pediatric residents in the critical care of children with both congenital and acquired heart disease.

Lecture Series

One of our doctors lead an established lecture series:

  • Gail Wright, MD, presents one hour sessions twice monthly on a variety of CVICU-related topics

If you are a health care provider and would like the lecture series schedule, please call (650) 721-6849.

Clinical Fellowship

The Division of Pediatric Cardiology offers a senior clinical fellowship in pediatric cardiac intensive care. This advanced training opportunity is designed to prepare physicians who have completed three-year fellowships in pediatric cardiology or critical care medicine for a career as an academic cardiac intensivist.

Up to three senior fellows are in training each year. Senior fellows perform either one year (clinically focused) or two years (research focused) of training. The research component of the fellowship can be either clinical or laboratory-based. Learn more about the fellowship application procedure.

The CVICU has offered this senior clinical fellowship in pediatric cardiac intensive care since 2004.