Comparison of Two Programs for Overweight and Obese Children

The Center for Healthy Weight’s programs to address childhood overweight and obesity include the family-based Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program and the outpatient Pediatric Weight Clinic. A program reference card is available here.

Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program

Pediatric Weight Clinic

The Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program is a family-based, group program designed to prevent and treat overweight and obesity in children and adolescents through lifestyle/behavior changes.

  • Outpatient program (does not require a hospital stay) 
  • Requires the participation of at least one parent or guardian
  • Groups meet weekly for 6 months (25 sessions)
  • 12 families per group are led by a parent coach and a child coach

The Pediatric Weight Clinic is for overweight and obese children with additional medical or psychological problems and/or who require surgery. The clinic focuses on understanding the potential causes and complications of obesity and providing medical treatments.

  • Outpatient clinic (does not require a hospital stay)
  • Patients meet individually with doctors, nurse practitioners, nutritionists, psychologists and social workers
  • Patients may also participate in the Pediatric Weight Control Program

Which Patients Are Eligible?

  • Children ages 8-12 (groups offered in English and Spanish)
  • Adolescents ages 13-15 (groups offered in English)
  • BMI > 95th percentile or 85th percentile with an obesity-related health problem (comorbidity)

Learn more about eligibility.

Which Patients Are Eligible?

  • Patients of all ages
  • BMI > 95th percentile

We recommend that primary care providers manage a patient for at least six months before referring the patient to the Pediatric Weight Clinic. Providers may wish to review the Expert Committee Guidelines published in Pediatrics in December 2007.

Health Care Team

  • Behavior coaches for parents and children
  • Nutritionist guest speakers

Health Care Team

  • Physicians
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Psychologist
  • Nutritionist
  • Social Worker


  • Parents can call (650) 725-4424 (English/Spanish). A referral from a health care provider is not required.


  • A health care provider must refer your child to the clinic by calling (800) 995-5724.


  • The program is not covered by insurance. However, most families qualify for assistance and/or are eligible for a grant.


  • Covered by most insurance plans (coverage varies)
  • Insurance authorization may be required prior to clinic visit