
Some Physical Therapy staff members participate in formal research. Research topics include:

  • Treatment techniques for children with muscular dystrophy
  • Developmental outcomes of infants born preterm
  • Comparing methods of parent instruction for handling and positioning activities to be done with their infant in the hospital and at home


Physical Therapy team member names are bolded.

Byrne EM, Constantinou JC, Sweeney JK, Schwartz N, St. John N, Umphred D. Comparison of neonatal physical therapy instructional methods on parent competency in a neonatal intensive care setting. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2009;51 (Suppl. 5):35.

Byrne EM, Butler E, Constantinou JC. Early detection of cerebral palsy from analysis of four spontaneous movements. Physiotherapy. 2007;93(Suppl. 1): pp. S1-S802.

Byrne EM, Rose J, Butler E, Kermoian R, Constantinou JC. Early detection of cerebral palsy from spontaneous movements using the NASA postural video analysis tool: a correlation to Bayley II PDI scores at 18 months. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2004;46:19.

Dole RL, Arvidson KM, Byrne EM, Robbins KF, Shasberger BK. Development of a consensus among pediatric specialists on essential characteristics of individualized education programs. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2003;15:159-166.